Posted - 10/28/2020 : 14:42:24
Hi Jason
In the UK the Royal Mail own the PAF (Post Code Address Finder) & licence that data to third party providers. When I last checked for a customer a few years ago the cost was way way OTT for any small merchant. Whether that situation has changed, I don't know. I would think a site would have to be shifting a very hefty amount of product to really consider using a PAF system.
There is Part PAF & Full PAF - Full PAF means data at delivery point level including building names and numbers, organisation names and PO Boxes. Part PAF means data at postcode level or below including what used to be known as "Thoroughfare" and "Locality" level.
I've just found this information. For Full PAF the charges are, for one user is £76 / annum then add website use fee of £5,500.00 then you need to start adding blocks of usage, and those are 2019 fees. It doesn't state if those charges are subject to or including 20% VAT.
Hope that gives you an idea
Steve Egerton Village, Bolton, UK
Edited by - 1818charlie on 10/28/2020 14:58:06