Posted - 10/29/2020 : 00:16:40
I just upgraded to eWay Rapid API. The transaction has gone Ok but the Thanks.asp is not showing transaction details. Earlier, I was using Custom Payment. The file - <!--#include file="customppreturn.asp"--> was referred in the - incthanks.asp line 1179. I deleted this reference because it showed database mismatch error on Thank.asp page. After this, I just see - 'Thank You! text (the text I put in the page) and nothing else. From incthanks file I reckon, it should display details of transaction. Please advise.
Steve Bungay Envision IT Pty Ltd Suite 4, Level 2, 255 Blackburn Road MOUNT WAVERLEY VIC 3149 Tel: +61 3 9886 7240 Fax: + 61 3 9886 7377