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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2020 :  10:40:48  
I have a site which sells some digital downloads of individual songs as product options:

This has been working fine for quite a while now. Today I am trying to add a new CD and new songs to download (

I don't do this very often and I always forget to add the Alt Product ID. So I set everything up and then went back and clicked on the "Alt" next to the product and I found that it was already populated with the individual songs from the last CD I added months ago (yes, I checked to make sure I wasn't modifying or cloning the wrong product) - so I tried deleting the incorrect tracks. That doesn't remove the "ID" (wrong ID for the wrong songs). Then...when I went to that other CD to look and see how the Alt Product ID was set up for that one, they had all been deleted!

How do I get a blank Alt Product ID to set up the new downloads?

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2020 :  10:54:07  
Update - I thought maybe it was because I "cloned" the product - but I just deleted it and added it as a new product and it as soon as I click on "Alt" - all the individual song downloads from the last CD are already filled in.

I'm really confused, I hope someone can help me.


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2020 :  03:26:03  
as soon as I click on "Alt" - all the individual song downloads from the last CD are already filled in.
When you click on the Alt what will happen is that the product will display all the possible permutations with a checkbox that you can check to create those if you wish. Is that where the confusion is coming from, that the alternate products haven't actually been created yet but there is the option to do so?


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2020 :  07:19:08  
No, that is not what is happening. Here are the steps I used:

1) Created a product "Mandala Individual Song Downloads"
2) Created an option "Song selections for Mandala Downloads"
3) Added the 12 individual songs
4) Uploaded - to a folder outside the root folder - the same folder the other songs for the 2 other CDs which ARE working
5) Click on "Alt" (in product admin)
6) There are already songs from the first CD I added (all the wrong songs and IDs)
6a) I first tried to delete all of these incorrect songs
6b) This did two things - it didn't work for allowing me to add the new CORRECT songs - and it deleted from the other product under it's own "Alt" I had to go into that page and re-add all those songs again.

I'd like to send you a login to the admin so you can see what is going on. Would that be possible?


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2020 :  07:37:03  

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2020 :  07:37:10  

I just wanted to check and make sure you received the email I sent to you yesterday with the login information?



42874 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2020 :  07:57:36  
I replied a few hours ago so I'll post the reply here in case there is a comms problem...

I had a look in the products admin page, and searching for the product id DownloadMaybeYesMaybeNo it has a product name of "Humility". Download for DownloadSongForMyFather has the product name of Honesty. This is why the products have the wrong name. I think that the reason this has happened could be that the wrong option was added to the CD when the alternate product ids were created. Is that possible? Clicking on the "Alt" next to the product in the product admin page also lets you remove the alternate product ids so would that be the idea, to remove the incorrect ones then start again? Also, there are some notes at the bottom of this page under "Download files as product options"...
...about using the alternate product ids to just change the download id. If you don't actually want to create a product for each download, maybe this would be the way to do things?

All the best


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2020 :  13:19:38  

I sent you another email with more information. For some reason it seems your emails to me are not coming through. You can put the information on here or email me at justducky923 -at- comcast -dot- com.
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