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 Multi-product add to cart
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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2020 :  11:36:42  
Is it possible for a customer to "Add to Cart" one product, but it actually adds several different products all at once? For example, buying a robot kit actually adds a chassis, 2x motors, and a battery to their cart. And subtracts inventory stock same as if they had added each product individually.

Note - Different from the existing Pack function, because we want people to be able to modify the quantities and delete parts of it from their cart if desired.

If this isn't currently possible, I'll post it into the suggestions thread.


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2020 :  03:00:11  
Hi Fingertech
This is what the Multi Purchase Options are for in the admin options page. It's usually for things like different color variations of the same product so the customer can just enter a quantity by all the different variations they want and add to cart in one go.


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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2020 :  19:07:16  
I wasn't aware altIDs could be used that way with multi-purchase! I've set it up on a temporary hidden cloned product:

Can the fields be pre-populated? It would be nicer than making the customer type a 1 into nineteen spaces, and some of them need a 2 (I worry people won't notice the notes).


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2020 :  23:51:53  
Hi Fingertech
I'm afraid I can't think of a way to pre-populate those fields. Sorry.


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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2021 :  08:56:57  
With this product ( I have stock set to 99999 so that it doesn't show.
I have set the price to $0 so that the text shows "Add Items", and so that each item in the multi-purchase list shows its own price.

But sometimes it goes to 0 stock (preventing people from buying), and the price resets to the sum of all items in the list. Then the list of items are all a negative price, subtracting themselves from the total.
How can I prevent that from happening?

What it should stay like:
What it keeps reverting to:


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2021 :  02:00:28  
Hi Fingertech
I see what you are saying but I can't get it to do the same. Can you let me know the steps I need to recreate this as I need to do so in order to see how to fix it.


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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2021 :  11:33:41  
Looks like it can be triggered by changing anything (price/stock) about the items that make up the bundle.
It doesn't happen when customers make changes to the stock (by purchasing one of the included items separately).

Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2021 :  10:25:53  
To add to the urgency of this, when one of the items goes out of stock it sets the entire product to Out Of Stock, so unless I happen to catch it quickly we miss out on a bunch of sales.


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2021 :  12:54:31  
Hi Fingertech
Looks like it can be triggered by changing anything (price/stock) about the items that make up the bundle.
Is this part of a "package" then? if so then that could be the problem as the packages are designed so that the stock is set to the lowest stock of any item in the package.


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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2021 :  14:41:16  
Yep my fault entirely. I *intended* to be using just the Multi-purchase option as you suggested earlier in the thread, but just realized it was still set up ALSO as a Package. I've removed that and expect it will work as intended now.

Thanks for your time and help figuring out what was wrong!
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