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United Kingdom
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Posted - 01/14/2021 :  09:18:41  
I have some excel files csv that I would like to place some of the fields into the correct table.

I imagine that I have to get the table and the csv file aligned with field names and cell properties.

I had a look at vsadmin/admincsv.php where it allows the table selection but I cannot see the desination table so I have no idea of the table layout.

Where do I find the database table please?
Thank you

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2021 :  10:25:52  
What are you wanting to update? Is this product information?
Mike over at has a number of low cost csv utilities for updating various date in your store.

Unless you are well versed in coding, I would recommend against altering that file.


Edited by - dbdave on 01/14/2021 10:26:26

Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 01/14/2021 :  12:33:00  
Thanks David
As I have access to csv files eg addresses, etc, I would like to be able to upload these in place of entering the info one at a time.

To do this the field names to be imported need to be matched. I have carried this out on the past with tools that I no longer have. Mike has one which looks as if it may be OK.

I cannot see at the moment how I gain access to the database. How is this carried out please?

Of course I can see how to enter product etc through the software but its a very long job one at a time.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2021 :  12:38:43  
If you are on .php then your database should be accessible from your hosts control panel
phpmyadmin is the tool that is usually provided for access to the database.


Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 01/14/2021 :  12:51:58  
Thanks David
I believe I am on but cannot see how I can register and gain access to the files.

Any ideas please?


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2021 :  13:35:43  
Hi John
As you're on one of the hosted stores you can't use these MODs, but you don't really need this in your case. To find out the format of the file, just go to the products admin page and on the left where you see a menu with "Select Action..." select "Product Inventory". This will give you a CSV file with the products that are in the database now but will show you the correct format. You can just delete the product details and use it as a template for entering new products.


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United Kingdom
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Posted - 01/14/2021 :  14:14:01  
Thanks Vince
I can see Select Action Ok and in the dropdown I select Product Inventry

The Product Inventry selection goes back to Select Action and the is no CSV as far as I can see.

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2021 :  19:28:08  
Selecting "Product Inventory" from that little menu will launch the download of the file inventory.csv without any further action from you. You'll find it in your default browser download location, or do a file search for inventory.csv and that should turn it up.


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United Kingdom
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Posted - 01/15/2021 :  13:07:22  
Hello Peter,
Regarding the updating of the inventry.csv file, I notice the field pSection.
The numbers used are 1 2 3 and 4
These seem to indicate a named Section with a number ID
How do I download this table?
This question I imagine applies to other columns?
Thanks for your help


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2021 :  14:53:54  
Hi Jason, you can get those numbers from your admin category page. The numbers are there next to the names of the category.

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