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 Need help removing reviews from product detail pg
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Posted - 02/14/2021 :  22:28:16  
Collective team, need your help. I just wanted to remove the review section from the product detail page but have not been able to do so with the following options in the includes.php:

Read further, it appears the only way to remove the reviews from the product detail page is via the $detailpagelayout switch. Is there no simple switch to turn off the reviews in the product details?

I tried to play with the $detailpagelayout switch and sure it works but am having a hard time grasping the correct options and where they would show up on the product detail page. I thought there was a doc many years back I saw but cant seem to find it that shows a picture of the detail page and tells you what each section label is. Would anyone be able to point me to it please?

Here is a shot of the page I am working on and notice if I mess with the setup, I get a wonked out look and not the sexy look that Andy/Vince created.


I am trying to figure out what the ?? --> section is as I do not see it in this switch selection from the help file:

$detailpagelayout='navigation, checkoutbutton, productimage, productname, price, instock, productid, manufacturer, sku, discounts, description, listprice, quantity, currency, dateadded, options, addtocart, previousnext, emailfriend, reviews, socialmedia';

I tried to write this:
$detailpagelayout='navigation, checkoutbutton, productimage, productname, price, instock, options, quantity, addtocart, productid, description, previousnext, socialmedia';

but the format comes out missing the ?? --> (the short description) and the Add to card comes out under the Quantity and not next to it.

I just want to keep the picture look, minus the reviews.

Thank you in advance for any guidance.


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2021 :  23:49:06  
I thought there was a doc many years back I saw but cant seem to find it that shows a picture of the detail page and tells you what each section label is. Would anyone be able to point me to it please?

The following link may be what you are referring to

Egerton Village, Bolton, UK
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