Every couple months I get a question email where the customer doesn't give their email address. Today's, I think perhaps they used some sort of auto-fill that put part of their name there (just "Toms").
Can we force the form to validate the email format at least? a@b.com? Then at least I might be able to guess the correct one when they've made a typo. Right now, there is no way I can reply to this customer.
OK ... so the customer is forced to provide an email ... but their email address is NOT included in the Ask a Question email form that is received by the merchant, and as a result our client does not know how to get in touch with the customer who asked the question.
Am I missing something or can someone provide a little clarity on this function.
Thanks, Drifter ... we're usually used to GETTING the info someone enters into a form, plus the From and To fields are populated with the merchants order notification address, which kind of suggests "What email address is this from?"