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Posted - 03/07/2021 :  09:18:06  
My client received an order with a modification warning. He has clicked on that and updated the status to authorize it. That has worked OK for the order status, but the shipping box is still showing as modification warning - although the red 'warning' text has disappeared. So he can't tell what shipping option was selected.
Any ideas how I can fix this?

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 03/07/2021 :  09:27:38  
Hi Eric, First, if you the client hasn't already, I would highly suggest to confirm the payment.
While there, based on the payment amount, the client can likely determine the shipping choice.
It may require entering the order at the website again, just to see what shipping options the customer was presented.

Hope that helps.


ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 03/07/2021 :  09:29:57  
Just to add, I would probably be a good idea to have the customer confirm the order being the MOD warning was triggered.


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Posted - 03/07/2021 :  23:15:31  
Thanks David

The client has confirmed the order and the payment has been received but my client has a custom script which picks up the confirmation email and parses the data from it into his Quickbooks accounting application. It seems that the script is failing to work correctly due to the unexpected entry in the shipping field. I could probably get the script updated to handle the error but it seems to me that the shopping cart itself should have cleared it when the the modification warning was authorized.


ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2021 :  08:18:28  
I'm not sure what payment processor this was, but it could have been a slow communication glitch between the payment processor and the store, and the client did something during that time to cause the mod warning.
I'm sure its rare.
With over 170,000 orders on my store, I've only seen it about half a dozen times..


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Posted - 03/08/2021 :  08:37:42  
Hi David

They seem to come in batches. There were six in January alone. I'm not sure what the client did with the others - just ignored them I think. It may be a slow processor connection, and they are a long way from town but it's the one they want to use.

I would like to be able to tell him that there is a fix for this.


ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2021 :  09:01:49  
Hi Eric, I think it might be tough to track this down, but we should probably get Vince's thoughts on this.
It may be helpful to check for any common thread with these orders.

If you are not getting the user agent with orders, it may be helpful to set that up.

Capture Browser User Agent (minimum Version 7.0.2)

It is possible to capture the Browser User Agent when taking an order for viewing on the admin orders page. This can be used for debugging purposes, statistics and can sometimes aid in detecting fraudulent activity...


This will allow you to check to see what device browser and operating system is being used.
Other factors might be time of day and more.

I'll message Vince so he can offer some help.


Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 03/08/2021 :  09:40:50  
Thanks David

I've set up $captureuseragent=TRUE;



42872 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2021 :  12:12:02  
Hi Eric
The Modification Warning is normal and just a warning to check the cart contents as the order hasn't been "closed". But it shouldn't clear the shipping type so I am looking into this and will let you know when I have a solution.


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Posted - 03/08/2021 :  23:30:56  
Thanks Vince



42872 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2021 :  00:50:43  
Hi Eric
I had a closer look at things this morning and I've come to the conclusion that things are ok as they are. To get the modification warning a customer has to go through the cart, get to the payment processor, use the back button and then actually change something in the cart. This isn't common at all but the reason the shipping gets a warning also is that if you've changed the items in the cart the shipping needs recalculating too because it's not valid for the items that were in the cart. You can recalculate the shipping in the admin orders page to clear that.
This all comes down to the problem that payment is normally a black box and you don't know if the customer didn't pay yet, so may legitimately change cart contents before going off to pay again. Or if they did pay but used the back button and in which case they shouldn't change anything. There is a parameter, $closeorderimmediately=TRUE; which you can add to the includes.php file which will close the order BEFORE going to the payment processor but I really don't recommend that as it will really frustrate people who go through checkout, check shipping etc, think about it, go back, add more items, etc.


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Posted - 03/09/2021 :  01:06:51  
OK Vince

I understand. At least I can go back to the client with a mechanism for clearing the error so that his order can be sent to Quickbooks in the usual way.

Thanks for your help.

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