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Advanced Member

159 Posts

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Posted - 03/13/2021 :  11:55:16  
I'm using the ECT search widget in my Wordpress site. When searching it appears to only be searching on the product description and not including the manufacturer's attributes. How would I include the manufacturer's attribute's?

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/13/2021 :  12:08:42  
There are a few settings on the parameters page you'll want to check out...

Streamlining / refining search results

You can use these parameters to refine or streamline what columns in the products database table are searched...





$nosearchprodid=TRUE; // (v7.2.1+)

$nosearcharticles=TRUE; // (v7.2.6+)

For the product admin search in the control panel...



If you want to set the number of categories per page in the admin (Version 5.9.4 required) set the following...


Show the manufacturers / filters on the search page

To show a drop down and allow customers to refine the search by manufacturer, use this setting...

$searchbymanufacturer="Manufacturer"; will need to define the manufacturers in the attributes admin page and select them from the product admin page.

To remove the filters from the search page in Version 6.5 use


To remove the filter count use


To remove the filters but show the manufacturer drop down use .


To choose which filters to show, use


which you can set so that only the product filter groups whose ID's are in the list will be presented on the search page as search filters.

Perhaps adding $searchbymanufacturer="Manufacturer"; to your includes will do the trick.
Give it a try.


Advanced Member

159 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 03/16/2021 :  09:19:34  
I have tried every combination possible but the results do not change. Would look at my site and see why I'm headed in the wrong direction.... Thanks

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2021 :  10:49:07  
Sure, can you provide a link and the name of a few manufacturers to test with?


Edited by - dbdave on 03/16/2021 10:49:20

Advanced Member

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Posted - 03/16/2021 :  11:35:03
Product: "Emco Electronics" if you search for Emco you get 22 products, if you search for Emco Electronics you get 7 products

Product: "Dresser Wayne" if you search for Dresser you get 288 products, if you search for Wayne you get 471 products

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2021 :  11:53:31  
Hi I wanted to clarify...
How would I include the manufacturer's attribute's

When you say manufacturer's attribute's, is that the manufacture name, so some other attribute assigned to the product?

Do you have all of your manufactures created under the Attributes and assigned to all products?


Advanced Member

159 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 03/16/2021 :  12:18:11  
I have the Product Attribute setup with the product categories, can I include categories and manufacturer's name as an attribute also?

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2021 :  12:27:52  
It sounds like you have not actually setup product Attributes.
You cannot assign attributes to categories, only products.
The first Attribute is reserved for Manufacturers.

Can you check your admin PRODUCT ADMIN > Product Attributes and see what you have setup there?

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