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 Options and configure options
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Jan Andrea
Advanced Member

468 Posts

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Posted - 03/25/2021 :  18:44:47  
Sooo for the sake of my customers' sanity, I would like to show available options for products on the product page, but I need them to read the information on the product detail page before they add anything to their cart. Is there a way to show options on the product page, but include a button that directs them to the detail page in order to add it to their cart? Right now, even though I have a line of text at the top that they will need to click the image or product name to add something to their cart, I still get "I can't add anything to my cart, what am I doing wrong?!" emails on the regular. So what I'm looking for is a layout option like this:

Product photo
Product name
Short description
Option 1
Option 2
"More details" (or something) button that takes them to the detail page

Right now it's as above, but without the button, and that seems to confuse people enough that my orders have dropped significantly since I added the options to the product page.

Thank you!
Using ECT 7.2.5 for php

Jan Andrea
Advanced Member

468 Posts

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Posted - 03/25/2021 :  18:50:49  
Hm. Second question: I changed the option type to "multiple" on my face masks because it made more sense for the way they're ordered, but now the available size quantities don't show up on the product page, only the detail page. Is there a way to show option availability there?
Using ECT 7.2.5 for php

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2021 :  18:52:40  
I suppose it may be possible to add options and not the add to cart.
You could certainly try it.
Assuming you are using css layouts and most all folks are these days, it may just be a matter of adjusting the elements you want to show.

$productpagelayout='productimage, addtocart, productid, sku, productname, manufacturer, discounts, reviewstars, instock, custom1, description,options, listprice, price, currency, quantity, dateadded, custom2';

With that stated, my personal opinion is that you may add to customer frustration of having all of the items in place to order, but the add to cart.
How many customers will just leave, and not contact you.
My site, I have lots of important product details. So like you, we force the customer to the details page.
So we only have the product id, the image, the product name, and price, then the "Get Details" button.


Edited by - dbdave on 03/25/2021 18:53:42

Jan Andrea
Advanced Member

468 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 03/25/2021 :  18:55:07  
I do use the CSS cart, and have played with the layout. Right now, it's like this:

[code]$productpagelayout='productimage, productname, description, options, price, addtocart';[/code]

I must have something else in the includes file that keeps "add to cart" from showing up, though, because it doesn't.
Using ECT 7.2.5 for php

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2021 :  20:36:32  
Actually with options, there should be a "configure" button that appears in the place of the add to cart.
It's possible to hide the add to cart/configure button with css, so that may be the case.

It's also possible you have the $productpagelayout='productimage, productname, description, options, price, addtocart'; parameter duplicated in the products.php page too, so check that too.

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