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356 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 04/02/2021 :  07:01:19  
My original post seemed to disappear when I tried to post it.

My question has to do with Product Options. I'm considering purchasing a new design for a line of new products. But each has from two to four options associated with them. I'm looking through the user manual and it looks like the only way to accomplish this is to add or subtract an amount from a base price. I need to have each option associated with a set price. Is that possible?


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2021 :  09:57:34  
I think it probably didn't disappear, because I see a duplicate post here -

If I understand, it sounds like you want the options to be the price and really it sounds like you could just set the product price to zero and add your price to each option.
When a customer selects an option, the price will the that of the option only.


Advanced Member

356 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 04/02/2021 :  16:48:30  
Hello, and thank you for your reply. My apologies for the duplicate post. I think when I got the pre-sales message I clicked on the link shown, which was pre-sales so was looking for my first post here.

If my old template version supports Product Options (I can't recall since it's been so long since I've worked with it), I'll do a test there to see if it will display the way I'm hoping so I can be sure before making a purchase.


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