I am using the CSS template, and when you view the products pages, the Filter menu is always at the bottom, which would enable you to filter by attributes, colour, etc etc, how can this filter menu be positioned to the top of the page, otherwise customers will miss that the attribute filter is at the bottom unless they scroll right down.
Hi Jason Normally the product attributes would display above the product listing so I'm not sure what is going on here. Do you have a page link I could see to see what is going on?
Hi Jason Ok, I see what you mean now and I didn't realise that you meant while viewing on a mobile device. But there is a bit of a problem here in that the layout order of the template displays the main content first and then all the sidebar items after. When viewing on a desktop the sidebar items are "floated" off to the left and the main content to the right. But there are CSS breakpoints so that on mobile the "float" is removed and the main content and sidebar items are displayed in the order they are in the document. So this means it would be difficult to just re-order the side filter to before the products. But . . . there is also the regular product filter. Why not enable that, and if you only want to display it on mobile hide it on desktop devices and set a breakpoint to show it on mobile? We can help with the CSS for that if you like the idea.