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 Changes in the WordPress system
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42874 Posts

Posted - 05/14/2021 :  06:07:34  
Changes to our WordPress Integration

There were some problems recently with Elementor which have provoked a change and an improvement in the way our WordPress integration works. Now instead of using a customized version of the theme's page, the new system uses WordPress "shortcodes" meaning that the ECT Cart fits in seamlessly to the WordPress way of working. There are a few changes for those that are already using the WordPress integration but hopefully the changes will be worth it, and we are here if there are any problems.

The new integration instructions are here along with notes about updating from the old system...

Please Note: These changes are implemented in the v7.3.3 updater and above. If you want to use the new system, you much update to this version or above.


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ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 05/14/2021 :  09:24:43  
This sounds exciting I can't wait to play with it.
Step 4. Create cart pages with shortcodes in WordPress

Are the layouts still controlled in the includes?

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42874 Posts

Posted - 05/14/2021 :  15:58:36  
Hi Sinbad
You can do either. In the WordPress Admin -> Appearance -> Customize -> ECT Theme Options you can choose if you want to set the layout via the Customizer setting or via a custom setting in the includes.php file.


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42874 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2021 :  06:04:43  
There have been some additions to the shortcode for the products, categories and detail pages to support custom categories, products or layouts. Now you can set for instance...

[ect_products explicitid=3 productpagelayout="productimage,productname,discounts,reviewstars,price,detaillink,addtocartquant" styleprefix="cs"]

This will display products only from category 3, using the given product page layout and with "cs" added as a prefix to all styles. You don't need to set all of these of course and the default will be used if not.

Similarly for the categories page you have explicitid and categorypagelayout
For the product detail page you have explicitid and detailpagelayout.

You will need a new copy of the ECT Widgets plugin available here...


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2021 :  08:05:14  
Hi Vince,
I've just done a test set up and all seems well. How do we now implement seo url's for the product detail pages please, am I missing something?

I'm not having any success at the moment.

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42874 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2021 :  09:58:52  
Hi Phil
One of the drawbacks on the new system is that unfortunately you can only have extensionless URLs. I thought I'd mentioned that in the instructions but it seems not so I'll add that in. For SEO URLs we have to take over the whole system which was why we did things the way we did before. But unfortunately it lead to too many problems.


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2021 :  01:29:42  
Hi Vince,
We can revert back to the old system though even though it's on the latest 7.3.3 version?

That wouldn't be a problem would it?

One other thing that might be worth a mention is that the short codes don't function until the widgets are activated.

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Edited by - Phil on 05/26/2021 01:34:14

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2021 :  12:30:20  
One other thing that might be worth a mention is that the short codes don't function until the widgets are activated.

That's an unfortunate side effect of using shortcodes; if a plugin (ect-widgets in this case) is not activated then any shortcodes that depend on it are just going to show in plain text.


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