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 Issues with update to new Wordpress Integration
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Advanced Member

123 Posts

Posted - 06/24/2021 :  22:20:37  

I updated to the new WP integration and have experience several issues.

1. Links on the category page used to link to a list of subcategory links, then those subcategory links would link to products, now those subcategory links show the message "This category is not currently available. This worked before the update.

2. Menu: when the browser window is resized to a smaller width, the main navigation menu disappears but is not replaced with the hamburger menu. This worked before the update.

3. Tablet: The home page keeps reloading and when the hamburger menu displays it doesn't function. This didn't happen before the update.


Advanced Member

123 Posts

Posted - 06/25/2021 :  00:01:43  

Item number 2. Menu has been resolved.



Advanced Member

123 Posts

Posted - 06/25/2021 :  00:51:05  
Item number 1. Links

I don't know if this will help with troubleshooting, but it's odd that the links work as expected when logged into WP admin, and in the Appearance > Customize interface. When on the Categories page, clicking a category link will bring up the subcategories, then clicking a subcategory link will bring up the products in that subcategory.


42874 Posts

Posted - 06/28/2021 :  03:06:41  
Links on the category page used to link to a list of subcategory links, then those subcategory links would link to products, now those subcategory links show the message "This category is not currently available. This worked before the update.
I just checked on your site and this seems to be working now. Is that the case or is it still causing problems?


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 06/28/2021 :  08:54:31  
Hi Vince,

There are still problems.
1. The State drop down still doesn't work on the cart page, but the Country drop down list does work.
2. The trash can icon on the cart page links to home page, instead of deleting the cart item.
3. On the cart page there's no update button/link to update product quantity when increased or decreased.
4. On the Categories page, the subcategories don't link to the products in its subcategory, it says "This category is not currently available". It did before the update, and it works while accessing the page in WP Admin but not on the public side.


Advanced Member

123 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2021 :  12:02:12  

Does anyone have any input on these issues? I need to get this resolved soon.




42874 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2021 :  15:54:27  
Hi Stan
The problem with your site is that all the source of the page is being "encoded" and so I wrote a few days back asking if you would try disabling all plugins except for the ECT Widgets as a test to see what what was causing this. Did you try this test?


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Advanced Member

123 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2021 :  19:15:33  
Hi Vince,

I missed that.

I just disabled all the plugins except the ECT Widgets, and the Cart page worked properly. I enabled them one by one and found the Elementor plugin caused the problem.

What does it mean that all the source of the page is being "encoded"? Is this something that Elementor is doing?



Advanced Member

123 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2021 :  19:17:35  
Hi Vince,

Even when the other cart functions were working, I still had the issue with the Categories and Subcategories.

"Links on the category page used to link to a list of subcategory links, then those subcategory links would link to products, now those subcategory links show the message "This category is not currently available. This worked before the update".



42874 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2021 :  02:38:54  
Hi Stan
I managed to recreate the problem here with Elementor and thanks so much for finding that was the culprit. The way to resolve this is by using the Shortcode Widget I believe and it worked for me...
By default, Elementor will set up the [ect_cart] shortcode or any of the other page shortcodes in a "text editor" section, and the output from the shortcode is then "escaped". But using the shortcode widget it doesn't seem to be so.
Basically in...
Elementor -> Elements -> Search Widget... for "shortcode" and then add that shortcode widget to your elementor page. Then add the [ect_cart] shortcode to that. It may be that other ECT Shortcodes are not showing problems, but it would be a good idea to add all the ECT Page Shortcodes in this way so the output isn't mangled in a similar way.


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Advanced Member

123 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2021 :  09:53:48  
Hi Vince,

The Shortcode widget worked, thanks.

However, I'm experiencing other issues.

1. For some products, the Product and Product Detail pages say “Price: Available upon login”, while I’m actually logged in. If I add the item to the cart from the Quick Buy button or the Detail page, it adds the item’s price and then shows it on the Cart page.

2. If I update the quantity in the Cart, the price is set to zero.

3. The Checkout Button on the Categories page doesn’t go to the checkout. The code has an extra forward slash: ectgonoabs('//cart/'). If I remove the extra slash in the Web Developer's Inspector, it goes to the Checkout.

4. The Recently Viewed widget doesn't keep track of the recently viewed products.


Advanced Member

123 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2021 :  10:04:57  

Can I get a response to these issues I'm experiencing?




42874 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2021 :  14:02:54  
Hi Stan
Sorry I missed that but it should all be fixed now apart from the Recently Viewed issue. I'll get back to you asap on that.


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 07/16/2021 :  20:03:41  
Ok, Thanks.

The other problem besides the Recently Viewed, is the Category page issue.

Some of the links on the category page link to a page with a list of subcategory links, then (before the update) those subcategory links would bring up the products in each subcategory. Now, instead of bringing up the products, those subcategory links show the message "This category is not currently available" (there are products in each of the subcategories). It worked fine before the update. This also works fine on the current live site that was done with Dreamweaver, from which the database was imported into the Wordpress installation.

One really odd thing about this issue is that it works while accessing the Category page in WP Admin >Appearance > Customize. In that interface, the subcategory links will bring up the products, but it does not do so on the public side.



42874 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2021 :  06:27:47  
Hi Stan
It seems that for some reason the server is stripping off the final closing bracket of the category name. so for instance...

Crystals (Polished)


Crystals (Polished

And because of the mismatch the category name isn't found.
I can't see why at the moment the server is doing this, but would changing the category name to something like...

Crystals - Polished a possible work-around for this? I've left the category as "Crystals Polished" for now.


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Advanced Member

123 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2021 :  23:06:54  
Hi Vince,

That is strange. It doesn't seem to do that when I click the links while I'm on the Categories page in WP Admin > Appearance > Customize.

For the work-around, I've changed the category names to Crystals - Polished and Crystals - Unpolished, and it works.


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