Posted - 07/06/2021 : 05:06:33
ASP V 7.3.3 Using a static category page, I have this in the <head> <% explicitid=65 catid=65 %> <!--#include virtual="/vsadmin/db_conn_open.asp"--> <!--#include virtual="/vsadmin/inc/languagefile.asp"--> <!--#include virtual="/vsadmin/includes.asp"--> <!--#include virtual="/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.asp"--> <!--#include virtual="/vsadmin/inc/metainfo.asp"-->
<title><%= pagetitle%> <% If pagetitle <>"" then response.write pagetitle else response.write productname %><%= titleTag%></title> <meta name="description" content="<%=Replace(sectiondescription,"""",""")%>">
I know pagetitle repeats in the <title> tag, but that is for testing. I have tried removing <% If pagetitle <>"" then response.write pagetitle else response.write productname %> and just leaving <%= pagetitle%>, but still no joy.
The category is set to "categories can be added to this category" which all display fine.
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