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 Checkboxes as Product Options
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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2021 :  11:55:06  
Checkboxes as Product Options
Product options that are shown as radio buttons will automatically become checkboxes if there is only one option. This enables selecting / deselecting the option and also as a radio button has no sense for a single option as it cannot be deselected. This enables very neat lists of Yes / No or Want / Don't want options when set up this way or "Multiple Selection Lists".

I'm trying to figure out how to make this "multiple selection list". I've got a main product, ie a Computer. The above quote from the help files seems to say that I can have a list of things that the customer can add.
ie. Do you want to add:
_ mouse
_ keyboard
_ monitor

Where if the customer checks any of these, that item is also added to the cart along with the main product Computer.
Seems so simple, but what does the setup look like? I haven't been able to achieve it. TIA.


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2021 :  04:22:57  
Hi Fingertech
Really, what it's saying there is that if a product option only has one selection then it is displayed as a checkbox rather than a radio button automatically as with just one radio button you can't "deselect" it. So for what you want, just have 3 product options with one item each. The first one with the mouse, the second one with the keyboard and so on.


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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 10/14/2021 :  12:11:33  
So is there any way to do what I've described?

Add the main product to the cart, plus any of the optional items they have selected. (Those optional items are existing products on the website and draws from their stock.)

It seems like a no-brainer, but I've never had success.


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/14/2021 :  12:46:32  
Hi Fingertech
No, I don't think there is a way to tell the truth. I was concentrating on adding options as check boxes but it seems you want them as products which are also sold on the store and have stock and this isn't going to work as you will only add one product to cart.


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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 10/14/2021 :  13:19:43  
Can you move this thread to the Suggestions forum? It causes enough headaches for our bookkeeper that she has asked if we can switch to webstore software that does work this way.


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2021 :  02:53:22  
Hi Fingertech
I'm not sure if there is another cart that allows you to add multiple products to the shopping basket based on product options and you may find that for one small inconvenience you lose a whole load of other features that our cart does. Maybe it would just be best to sack the bookkeeper. But we will think about the suggestion.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1018 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2021 :  20:46:50  
Hi Fingertech,

Wouldn't "Add Mouse", "Add Keyboard", "Add Monitor" each be 3 individual Product Option entries with various choices and Alt Prod ID's for each ?
A Drop Down Menu with "Please Select" line are the shot for each different Mouse offered, etc.

You can create quite detailed sets of individual Product Options for customers to choose from.
View an example here >>


Edited by - ITZAP on 10/16/2021 20:55:52


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2021 :  23:53:41  
Hi Gary
What Fingertech seems to want to do is add several different products to the cart using the product options as selector. I thought about your idea but that would add one product based on the sum of the different options.


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Advanced Member

318 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2023 :  13:34:09  
I'm reviving this thread in hope that there has been some progress that would allow the above method of purchasing product add-ons.

One of my distributors who has a simple Shopify cart has this implemented:
On that page, you are buying our robot kit. Then on the right side you can see "Frequent Add-Ons". Clicking those checkboxes will also add those items to your cart (and subtract the quantity from inventory stock).

Is this possible?
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