Posted - 10/12/2021 : 21:07:26
I'm getting intermittent deprecation warnings for strpos - passing an int as needle. Code located in inccart.php lines 7124 and 7125: if(strpos($errormsg,$GLOBALS['xxInvZip'])!==FALSE || strpos($errormsg,$GLOBALS['xxPlsZip'])!==FALSE) $invalidzip=TRUE; else $invalidzip=FALSE; if(strpos($errormsg,$GLOBALS['xxPlsSta'])!==FALSE) $invalidstate=TRUE; else $invalidstate=FALSE; I'm using PHP 7.3.28 Just updated to ECT 7.3.6 Deprecated: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in .../public_html/vsadmin/inc/inccart.php on line 7124 Time to update? Oriental Outpost Custom Wall Scrolls
Edited by - OrientalOutpost on 10/12/2021 21:10:35