Posted - 11/08/2021 : 18:44:45
Our customers are leaving the checkout not completed for the reason that Ecommerce Templates is placing the sales tax rate for shipping inside the actual shipping itself. This is not right, especially when you submit your feeds to google. Both our customers and Google want to see that if shipping is $10 and your sales tax is 6% and the item is $10. They want to see Sales tax as $1.20 not
Product $10.00 Shipping : $10.60 Sales Tax : $0.60
It should read like every other checkout site
Product $10.00 Shipping $10.00 Sales Tax : $1.20
There was no problem placing the sales tax for the product in a separate field, but why did you place the sales tax for taxing shipping in the same field as shipping. It should be separate line item which is added to the sales tax field, not added back to the actual shipping rate itself.
If there's a fix for this let us know. Thanks in advance.