Posted - 12/10/2021 : 18:05:28
I am having the same problem. When were were using the temporary URL, the cart was working perfectly. I just had the site go live by entering the new name servers at the domain name registrar.
I also changed the site URL in the main settings in the cart admin panel.
Now, I can't get past step 1/3 of the checkout on the cart.php page. I can edit the cart just fine. However, when I click on the checkout button, I go nowhere.
I changed the both site URL's to http://.... , instead of using https://... for secure URL. That didn't help.
It has been about 6 hours since I changed the name servers. I know that the new location hasn't propagated entirely. I can reach the new site with my cellphone, but not my home computer/home internet connection. Do you think that this problem will clear up when the new name servers have propagated entirely?
Judy Fontanella