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 Cannot progress through cart steps
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 11/11/2021 :  08:04:28  
This is most likely something simple but when I add a product to the cart > view the cart (step 1 of 3) and press Checkout, I am returned to step 1 instead of progressing to step 2 (confirm address details).

The site is on the final shared server (Linux) but with a temporary URL since the domain doesn't yet point to the hosting.

Any suggestions appreciated.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2021 :  10:57:53  
Check your admin "main settings" and see what you have set there for the URL.
That (set incorrectly) can cause the issue you describe.


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United Kingdom
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Posted - 11/11/2021 :  12:36:28  
Thanks David, that was spot on. Specifically I had entered the 'HTTPS Store URL' as https://... as I have installed a SSL certificate. I changed that to http://... and it works. Thanks again, Adam.

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Posted - 12/10/2021 :  18:05:28  
I am having the same problem. When were were using the temporary URL, the cart was working perfectly. I just had the site go live by entering the new name servers at the domain name registrar.

I also changed the site URL in the main settings in the cart admin panel.

Now, I can't get past step 1/3 of the checkout on the cart.php page. I can edit the cart just fine. However, when I click on the checkout button, I go nowhere.

I changed the both site URL's to http://.... , instead of using https://... for secure URL. That didn't help.

It has been about 6 hours since I changed the name servers. I know that the new location hasn't propagated entirely. I can reach the new site with my cellphone, but not my home computer/home internet connection. Do you think that this problem will clear up when the new name servers have propagated entirely?

Judy Fontanella

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2021 :  18:58:47  
As you have an installed certificate you want both of those to be set to https://etc., so put them back that way.

What you have happening there is a www vs. non-www conflict. You need to to decide whether you want to use or just and then set both the store URL and the control panel the same way. Right now you are just in a redirect loop.


Professional ecommerce web hosting services
Shared hosting Windows & Linux | Dedicated servers | Domains | SSL
Ecommerce Templates specialists since 2003

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Posted - 12/11/2021 :  00:05:45  
Thank you SOOO much.

I changed the site URL's in the control panel to "".

That didn't do it, so I changed them both to "" That worked.

I changed the setting in the control panel, because I didn't know where the setting was for the store URL. Just for my knowledge, could you please tell me where the "store url" is controlled.

Thanks so much again. At least the store is working now.

Judy Fontanella

Edited by - artbytes on 12/11/2021 00:06:23

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2021 :  10:47:58  
You're welcome. The store URL is defined in the store admin, Main Settings page. The server control panel also has a setting under "Hosting Settings" for "Preferred Domain" which will define whether you have non-www requests redirect to www. or the other way around (or don't care). Both will still work, you're just setting a redirect to the preferred version to avoid cart session issues or dupe content problems with Google. As it was yesterday you had opposing settings, so as fast as we redirected to www, the cart circled back to non-www and on ad infinitum; that's why you couldn't progress.


Professional ecommerce web hosting services
Shared hosting Windows & Linux | Dedicated servers | Domains | SSL
Ecommerce Templates specialists since 2003
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