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26 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/23/2022 : 10:16:09
I may have missed it but I can't seem to see a way to insert a image in a content region and make it resize based on what device is viewing the page. Is there a way to do this easily?
42874 Posts |
Posted - 01/24/2022 : 02:09:26
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26 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/25/2022 : 08:23:25
Prefect! I think this is working properly.
One more quick question. I have a small boarder around images on categories.php for each category, how can I eliminate or change the boarder color?
ECT Moderator
United Kingdom
1198 Posts |
Posted - 01/25/2022 : 12:18:12
Hi Leon
I think I'm understanding you correctly here.
Have a look for div.category in the style.css or ectcart.css file - something similar to this
div.category{ border:1px solid gray; margin:0.5%; padding:6px; width:49%; display:inline-block; box-sizing:border-box; }
Either remove the entry in red complately for no border at all or edit the colour hex value to suit
div.category{ border:1px solid #E7E7E7; margin:0.5%; padding:6px; width:49%; display:inline-block; box-sizing:border-box; }
If you are referring to the small category image having a border around it look for the following in your style sheet
img.catimage { max-width: 100%; height: auto; border: solid 1 px #E7E7E7; }
Steve Bolton Lancashire
Edited by - 1818charlie on 01/25/2022 12:23:20
Starting Member
26 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/29/2022 : 08:11:07
Thanks Bolten, but I must be missing something. I have double checked all the areas you suggested and still can't remove the red border. Here is a link to what I am talking about. Trying to remove the red border on the category images.
Thank you for your help!!
42874 Posts |
Posted - 01/31/2022 : 05:16:54
Starting Member
26 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/31/2022 : 07:23:24
Hi Vince,
Thank you for responding. I am a relative novice when it comes to this. How would the ectcart.css become excluded? Either way how do I reconnect it and do I do that just to the categories page? I have a screen shot of two issues I am having but am not sure how to add them to this forum?
ECT Moderator
United Kingdom
1198 Posts |
Posted - 01/31/2022 : 11:51:56
To show an image in the forum first upload your image to some webspace.
Then, for example, if the image is located in the images folder on mydomain . com then all you need to do is surround that full URL between the opening & closing IMG tags but do remove all spaces from how my example shows. Before posting just click on Preview & if it shows correctly then click on Post New Reply & the image you want to show should be visible. [i m g ]https : // mydomain . com / images / the image i need to show . jpg [ / i m g ]
[ i m g ] [ / i m g ]
Steve Bolton Lancashire
Edited by - 1818charlie on 01/31/2022 11:55:13
Starting Member
26 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/31/2022 : 15:57:48
Here is the link to the screen shot I am trying to change.
Thanks, Leon
Ecommerce Template Expert
936 Posts |
Posted - 01/31/2022 : 17:29:54
I just viewed your website page and I don't see any red border:
I notice in your style.css sheet around line 492 you have Black #000 set as your border color
img.catimage { color: #000; border-color: #000; /*border-width: 1;*/ }
Try refreshing your browser.
Edited by - midvalleydrifter001 on 01/31/2022 17:30:34
Starting Member
26 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/02/2022 : 07:08:37
Thanks for all the help!!