If you are using PirateShip.com (another free shipping service like Stamps.com or Endicia.com, but no monthly fee), the "Copy to Clipboard" function on ECT works pretty well, but neglects the customer's email address, which you must copy and past separately. Here is a fix:
In incorders.php
And right before that line, add:
document.getElementById('addresstextarea').value+="\r\n" + document.getElementById('ordEmail').innerHTML;
if($isprinter || $doedit) print editspecial($alldata['ordEmail'],'email',35,'AUTOCOMPLETE="off" onkeydown="return combokey(this,event)" onkeyup="combochange(this,event)"'); else print '<a href="mailto:' . htmlspecials($alldata['ordEmail']) . '">' . htmlspecials($alldata['ordEmail']) . '</a>';
And change that to:
if($isprinter || $doedit) print editspecial($alldata['ordEmail'],'email',35,'AUTOCOMPLETE="off" onkeydown="return combokey(this,event)" onkeyup="combochange(this,event)"'); else print '<a id=ordEmail href="mailto:' . htmlspecials($alldata['ordEmail']) . '">' . htmlspecials($alldata['ordEmail']) . '</a>';
That just adds id=ordEmail so that the javascript popupaddress() which does the "Copy to Clipboard" function can find and grab the email address.
PirateShip.com can ship internationally from the USA with First Class International for reasonable rates. They recently added UPS Ground to Canada for commercial rates that are cheaper than USPS (because you are effectively shipping UPS on their account, you get the lowest tier rates too!). It automatically defaults to the cheapest way to get your package to the destination, domestically or internationally. Saves me a ton of money!
Their domestic Priority Mail rates are the discounted/commercial rates as well. If your parcels or > 1 lb, this is usually a good deal until you get heavier and UPS is cheaper. If 1 lb or under, Sendle.com has the best deal with a special First Class rate.
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