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 Design issues
 Radio Buttons Not Accessible
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Posted - 02/09/2022 :  21:21:26  

In checking out your sample store under drill bits, radio buttons, they are not accessible. They do not tell a blind user what the option is, but rather is defaults to the product name then the option.

RootWebArea "ECT premium store: Drill Bit Pointy, Drill Bits, DrillBit01"
StaticText "Pack of 3"

This should say the option name, in this case "Saver Pack" then Pack of 3.

Drop down list seem to work and be accessible, but radio button are not currently.
As here is the computer which has a drop down box
ea "ECT premium store: Build Your Own, Desktop PCs, pc001"
combobox "Monitor"
menuitem "Please Select..."
menuitem "15" Standard"
menuitem "17" Trinitron (+$22.00)"
menuitem "19" Flatron (+$75.00)"
menuitem "21" Supertron (+$185.0

Tells me this is a Monitor with 4 choices, where radio button just says Product name, no Option name and then just the color

Tested with Chrome Lighthouse under Accessible



42872 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2022 :  04:37:01  
Hi Scott
I've made the changes that I think will sort this out. But as the changes are getting a bit more involved now, would you be able to get these from the Beta version now? If so I'll add them to the Beta and let you know how to access it.
Another question, the change we made for the thanks page adding the role="main" tag . . . would that need to be added to all pages? It seems logical if it's necessary on the thanks page.


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Posted - 02/10/2022 :  07:27:31  
Yes, adding the main would ideal.

According to what I'm learning on ADA WCAG2.1
And seeing on many of the sample pages I'm looking at they
the following sections

Skip to role=Main
Skip to Navigation role=Nav
Skip to Footer role=footer

Applying the ADA widget from Accessibe or Userway overlays a hidden skip menu that pops up when you hit tab and allows the user of a keyboard or screen reader to tab to those 3 main sections.



42872 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2022 :  10:11:04  
Hi Scott
I've spent a few hours on this with Lighthouse and teh WebAIM WAVE tool and have made quite a few changes based on the recommendations. You can get the Beta here...

You will need all files now and to also run the updatestore.asp/php script in your browser.

Regarding the role="main" I've been having a think about that and I think the best way to handle this really is in the template. That is, whatever the container is around the "body" editable region, add the role to that. For instance in once template this would be...

<div class="product_listing"> <!-- #BeginEditable "body" --> Content <!-- #EndEditable --> </div>

So just add the role there like this...

<div class="product_listing" role="main"> <!-- #BeginEditable "body" --> Content <!-- #EndEditable --> </div>

The reason is that there isn't a single container in each page that I can add this to.

Any problems just let me know.


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Posted - 03/10/2022 :  07:06:45  
Are these changes in the7.4.7 changes or only in the beta. I installed 7.4.7 to pick up all your other fixes but now radio buttons have no aria-labels at all.



42872 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2022 :  07:51:19  
Hi Scott
The radio buttons don't have an aria-label as they have a <label for="xxx"> where the xxx designates what object the label is for.


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