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 Making Changes on order pages and emails
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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2022 :  10:06:43  
I have had to make a few changes/updates on the checkout page and also on the emails that are sent after a customer makes a purchase. It seems the only way to "check" on my changes is to make a dummy order (and then have to go in and delete the order) - is there an easier way? It seems like there should be a way - in the admin - to send a test email or view the checkout page(s).

Is this possible - am I missing something? If it's not possible, I think it would be a very useful addition.


Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2022 :  14:47:29  
Use Email A Friend or Ask A Question to test the email.

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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2022 :  06:57:43  
The issue for the email is it is the email that is generated when a customer makes a purchase using the "email" option - this is for customers who will be calling in with their credit card to make payments. So the only way to see the email is to make a purchase and check the email that is sent.

Also, I'd like to be able to view the checkout page - and the changes made on them - without having to generate an order.

Is there any way to do this?

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2022 :  08:17:10  
Hi once you make a test purchase you can use the Resend button on the order I do this when making changes to any type of order email that is being sent to customers it doesn't matter about the method of payment. It will send a new email with the change be it a item change or design change.

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Edited by - Sinbad on 03/01/2022 08:17:55

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2022 :  08:36:25  
Thanks - that's a great tip.

Any ideas on the checkout pages themselves? My client uses the "email" option exclusively for checkout and when the customer gets their order email, they are supposed to call with their credit card number. It seems many customers are ignoring that step (not sure how they think they are paying for their order...) - so they wanted a bold statement on the payment page reminding the customer that after they finishing checking out, there is still one more step - they need to call the number that is in the email they receive to complete their payment.

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2022 :  11:45:27  

I would head to Admin > Email messages > Email headers Footers & add something along the lines of the following. That will show clearly in the order email the customer receives at the very top of the email. You could also add a div on the cart & thanks page to show the same message.

.payadvice1 {
border: 3px solid green;
padding: 15px;

<div class="payadvice1">Now please call <strong>0161 123 4567</strong> to complete your purchase & the operator can process your payment details. Please have your payment card with you so we can take payment</div>


Edited by - 1818charlie on 03/01/2022 11:45:58

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2022 :  12:20:33  
Steve - that is perfect!

Thank you so much for the advice.

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2022 :  13:22:21  

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