I would like to add some content to the cart.php page, but would like the content to change or be removed depending on which stage of checkout the customer is in. Is there an easy way to add in an if statement to target a particular stage? Right now I'd like to target stages 1 and 2.
Vince, where do I need to set those parameters? I've put them on the cart page but that didn't automatically get results. Do I need to "echo" them somehow? Also, I'm wanting to add php code to the content. Could I do an if statement like: <?php if($xxCoStp1 == $active) { content here } ?>
Also, I would need the addition of content to be at the bottom of the page, not the top.
Any ideas? The bulk of what I need to do is add some products to cart page, but they need to not be there once the customer is entering payment info...
quote:Any ideas? The bulk of what I need to do is add some products to cart page, but they need to not be there once the customer is entering payment info...
This is pretty much what the Cross Selling features are designed to do. More here... https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/ectstore/cross-selling.asp But there isn't an automated way to add text below the cart, and if you really want to add code to your content then in the cart.php page itself, above and / or below the inccart.php include line you can use this to detect the checkout steps...
if(getpost('mode')!='checkout'&&getpost('mode')!='go'){ // Your PHP code here which will only appear on the first checkout step }