Posted - 03/05/2022 : 11:57:54
I just noticed the below error message when inspecting (Ctrl+Shift+I) one of my pages that has a Giant Image available.
This error appears "after" you click on "Enlarge".
I also noticed the giant image in the popup is not centered.
Here is the page:
www (DOT)
Using ECT v7.4.7.001 PHP 8.1.3
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set proddetail.php?prod=SliXshot-Black-Powder-Nipples:346 property 'innerHTML' of null at displayprodimagenum (proddetail.php?prod=SliXshot-Black-Powder-Nipples:346) at showgiantimage (proddetail.php?prod=SliXshot-Black-Powder-Nipples:332) at <anonymous>:1:1
Edited by - midvalleydrifter001 on 03/05/2022 12:02:12