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 Help with shipping estimates and Google ADs
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New Member

61 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2022 :  15:15:11  
This is a general appeal for help, anything from anyone would be sincerely appreciated. I have items on my site, 11 of them, that I have listed through Google feeds for both paid AD and free placement. On my site I have set my default shipping to be via UPS, weight and package size based, and using standard published rates. I have the same weight and size information in my feeds and have my Google account set to use published UPS rates and my box sizes. I have these 11 items exempt from handling charges.

The problem is that Google's rates are always from $5 to $12 dollars cheaper in their estimates that are shown to clients. I would welcome any information anyone has as to ecommerce settings that could possible add to my site's estimates.

Again, anything that anyone has would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.

Ken Patterson

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2022 :  17:14:33  
Check all of your includes.php file for shipping related parameters.
There is a setting to raise or lower the rates shown by percentage.
Also check other related settings.
Check to see if you have an "initialpackweight" setting that will impact rates shown.

In the end, it should not be hard to fix.
I have a complicated shipping scenario and I've been able to keep google happy after they suspended my feed for this very issue.

New Member

61 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2022 :  18:23:41  
Thank you David, I have checked and found nothing, but at your suggestion I will have another look.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2022 :  18:39:29  
You can set your rates in google to a higher level so it more closely matches the rates shown on your site.

Has google come to you and told you there is a problem, or is this something you are seeing in your testing?

New Member

61 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2022 :  19:30:32  
Yes, Dave, Google did let me know that it is an account policy level violation warning. It's funny you mention raising the shipping cost on Google, I did that earlier today, our Google account level shipping information has just one listed service, UPS Ground, and I did boost it by 20%, and that is a bit more than the error usually is. So now in no event will Google ever have a lower shipping estimate than my site.

But I am going to keep looking to find what the problem is. I am sure it is something I have overlooked, but finding it is something else. Thanks again for your suggestions, they are much appreciated.

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