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 unexplained discount applied
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Starting Member

48 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2022 :  13:31:46  
Hi Guys,
This is a new one. We had an order come in with an unexplained $65.85 discount applied somehow. There is only one coupon/discount available in the entire store. The only product the coupon discount is applied to wasn't in the order and it's s a flat amount $21.95 anyway.

On second thought that discount amount on the order is exactly 3 times the flat amount discount for the product he didn't buy. How is it possible he put that discounted product in his cart, applied the coupon code, then removed the product, but somehow the discount remained in the cart? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2022 :  13:52:43  
Probably a spam bot.

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2022 :  19:41:22  
Being that the 65.85 discount is divisable by 21.95, it does seem like it could be related.
When a discount is applied to an order, the Applicable Discounts: field in the order details should be populated.
What do you see there?


Starting Member

48 Posts

Posted - 03/11/2022 :  21:09:42  
Thanks Dave! Sure enough, in that orders’ detail it shows that discount/coupon code was applied to the order. The baffling thing is how? The eligible product isn’t in the order, and how did the discount get applied 3 times? There are 3 items of other products in the order and those products do not have the discount/coupon code assigned to them. The code was supposed to be limited to just that one product and only used once.
P.s. I actually know who the customer is. Met him at a product show recently.

Edited by - kmkelso on 03/11/2022 21:16:17


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/13/2022 :  05:02:13  
Hi Karl
Have you tried adding the same items to the cart as this customer to see if you can recreate the problem? If you can't and you know this customer, would it be possible to explain the problem to him and ask what steps he took on checkout?


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/13/2022 :  19:18:00  
Great suggestion from Vince.
It could be that the setup of the discount needs adjustment.


Starting Member

48 Posts

Posted - 03/14/2022 :  16:59:00  
Hi Vince,
I am able to replicate the issue. I put the same 4 items in a cart with one of them being the 'security card' knife that the discount is supposed to be applied to. Enter the coupon code, and voila, it gets applied to EVERY product in the cart; not just the S.C. knife. I remove the S.C. knife from the cart and the discount amount remains all the way through purchase. Here are 5 screenshots of the process:

p.s. after taking another look at the final checkout cart step, I just noticed this:


Edited by - kmkelso on 03/14/2022 17:16:24


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2022 :  03:48:31  
Hi Karl
I think you just need to go to the setup of the discount then and change the "Scope" to assign to individual products / cats.


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Starting Member

48 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2022 :  11:26:03  
Hi Vince,
Thank you. This issue started when I initially set the scope to assign to an individual product / cat and the code simply would not work. If entered while on the cart, with the correct product in the cart, it states that it's applied yet the discount amount is not taken off the cart total, e.g. does not show the wording 'discount' or make the price adjustment in the cart total column.

When proceeding to checkout, an error message is shown that the code was not found, expired, or is not applicable, with the correct product still in the cart. That is still the issue.

If I change the scope to almost anything else, such as assigning the discount code also to the product category, ex. knives in this example, the discount works, but also includes everything else in the cart that is valid in that larger scope and not just the one individual product, even though none of the other products have the discount applied to them in the product admin.


(dazed and confused)

Edited by - kmkelso on 03/15/2022 11:27:14


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2022 :  03:39:20  
Hi Karl
Could it possibly be that the discount hasn't been applied correctly to the product / category then? Or maybe has restrictions (minimum quantity, etc) that require more than one item added to cart?


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Starting Member

48 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2022 :  13:06:03  
Hi Vince,
The mystery deepens. I believe I have the product and discount code set up correctly with this coupon/discount applied only to the one product. There is an extra discount of FSA that applies to this order because it's over $90 and that seems to be working with no issues.
If I add only 1 security card knife to the cart order with a min. order qty of 0 or 1 in the discount code setup, the coupon code does not apply itself. However, if I increase the number of security card knifes in the cart to qty 2 or more, the discount applies itself, and only once because the Repeat Every is set to 0. As you may tell from the discount code setup screenshot, I have 0/blank entered as a min/max quantity. Changing that min qty to any other value has a corresponding affect on the discount being applied in the cart. ex, change min qty to 3, and discount won't apply until changing cart qty of security card knife to 3 or more.
The frustrating thing is I just can't get it to work for ONE security card knife in the cart order. Here's the screenshots:

(still confused)...


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2022 :  15:00:06  
Hi Karl
I see what the problem is here now but I'm afraid it's not good news. The thing is, the discount is on the Safety Knife product, so the $25 minimum purchase amount has to be spent on that product and that's why the discount is working as you want when 2 of the safety knives are added to the cart. There isn't currently a way I'm afraid to have a discount that is triggered by purchasing from one category but has its effect on another.


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Starting Member

48 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2022 :  18:32:03  
Thanks Vince. That's unfortunate, but at least it gives me a direction to follow for future ad campaigns.
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