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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2022 :  11:54:12  
I have site selling tee shirts. Each shirt weighs a half pound. We selected UPS shipping and have registered with UPS and selected UPS ground shipping only. They are shipping from Texas - I just tried a test shipping to my address in Tennessee - it is charging $29.47 for ONE shirt!

I'm sure I have set something wrong, but I'm not sure what I should be checking.

Help! :)

ECT Moderator

10430 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2022 :  13:30:54  
Hi, just go back and check everything.
The weight of the product.
The dimensions (if set)
Settings in includes.
Handling charges that you may have enabled.

The retail rate for a small box up to 1 pound, residential, within the lower 48 states is going to be around between $12.00 - $20.00
Your rate suggests there is some setting causing a higher than normal rate to be returned.
Unless you are shipping to Hawaii or Alaska from the lower 48 states.


Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2022 :  06:02:46  
I've checked everything you suggested - I'm sure I'm missing something:

Product Weight: 0.5
Shipping Type: UPS
Shipping Weight: lbs
Dimesions: Do not specify
Handling Charge: 0
Handling Charge (Percentage): 0
Insurance Cost: 0

Includes file:

$GLOBALS['iswordpress']=TRUE; // Essential for WordPress Store




// Shipping / Tax Options


// Payment Options

// Layout Options

// The product layouts are controlled by the following parameters.
// There are more details at this location

$GLOBALS['ectqbuystyle']=1; // Can be 1, 2 or 3
$GLOBALS['ectproductstyle']=1; // Can be 1, 2 or 3
$GLOBALS['ectdetailstyle']=1; // Can be 1, 2 or 3
//$GLOBALS['categorycolumns']=2; // Optional parameter to set initial category columns to other than default
//$GLOBALS['productcolumns']=2; // Optional parameter to set initial product page columns to other than default

// You can specify the elements and their order as they appear in the products, detail and quick buy layouts. Recommended defaults are used but
// if you wish to specify your own using the parameters below, adjusting them to your requirements. Just select the option ...
// WP Admin -> Appearance -> Customize -> ECT Theme Options -> Product Page Layout -> Use custom layouts defined in vsadmin/includes.php

$GLOBALS['productpagelayout']='productimage, productname, reviewstars, listprice, price';



// Customer Login

// Customer Reviews and Ratings

// Affiliate Options

// Discount Options

// Gift Registry and Wish Lists

// Cross Selling / Upselling
$GLOBALS['csbestsellerstitle']='Our best sellers';
$GLOBALS['csrecommendedtitle']='Recommended items';

// Social Media

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2022 :  06:04:09  
I checked the UPS site and entered the address of shipping and destination and weight of package - and it comes up to just under $11.00.

The site is charging $24.47

ECT Moderator

10430 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2022 :  08:31:10  
Hi, you should set $GLOBALS['dumpshippingxml']=TRUE; to includes to see the XML returned when placing a test order.
If you site is busy, you might do this in off peak hours
Copy the XML returned on the page and then remove that settings from includes.
You can paste the XML here, or message it to me.

It will tell us what's being sent off to UPS for the rate request.


Edited by - dbdave on 06/03/2022 08:33:58

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2022 :  08:35:59  
This is a brand new site and is not officially "live" yet, so everything is just a test at this point.

The site owners have decided that UPS is too expensive (even at the correct rates) and they have now signed up with USPS. Now we are getting the error:

"Authorization failure. Perhaps username and/or password is incorrect."

I did a search on this and I think it may be because they need to reply to the email they got when they signed up and then take the USPS from production to live.

Does that make sense?

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2022 :  09:15:26  
I did the $GLOBALS['dumpshippingxml']=TRUE;

Here is what was returned:

<RateV4Request USERID="Cnmwt22">
<Package ID="Parcel-Select-Groundxxxx1">
<Service>Parcel Select Ground</Service>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Authorization failure. Perhaps username and/or password is incorrect.</Description>


42791 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2022 :  09:25:36  
I did a search on this and I think it may be because they need to reply to the email they got when they signed up and then take the USPS from production to live.

Does that make sense?
Yes, that makes sense and it is highly likely that is the reason for this problem.


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