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 Square - CSS, Masterpass issue?
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Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2022 :  08:03:30  
When we first setup Square as a payment provider, we cut off the GPay. ApplePay, Masterpass because we didn't exactly understand it.

I'm trying to add it back in, but it appears there is maybe a problem with the CSS for Masterpass?

The CSS file references an SVG:

background-position:center right;

But that SVG file cannot be accessed. Perhaps there should be an update to the CSS to point elsewhere?

Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2022 :  08:06:32  
Similarly, Apple Pay doesn't seem to display properly either. G Pay looks right though and seems to work as intended.

Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2022 :  08:13:15  
It looks like the integration they specify has changed a bit from what the ECT cart has coded:

ECT Moderator

10466 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2022 :  08:42:57  
Hi Graham, I switched to square some time back and like it for the most part. Particularly my rate.

I think the integration could use some updating as well. Authorize/Capture does not work, so we had to set capture and with many orders lately having shortages due to supply chain issues, we are having to do lots of partial refunds.

I too suppressed the gpay and other buttons and have been thinking of adding them back, but I did notice I could not see an apply pay button.

My other issue is duplicate payments. Today, a customer paid 4 times.
It's not happened often, and in all fairness Vince did suggest a cache buster that I have not tried yet.

Perhaps we can nudge Vince to update the square integration.


Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2022 :  09:59:34  
We switched to Square maybe a year ago after PayPal decided they no longer refund fees on any refunded payments. In a post Covid world where supply chains are so constricted, we would be dying in unrefunded fees if not for Square. Paypal has really gone down hill since the glory days. At this point we only use Paypal in the most limited fashion because we have to. We have been SO happy with Square.

I dont think it would take much to update the GPay, Apple Pay, Masterpass functionality. I'm on a quest to work through that so I'll try to remember to let you know what we come up with.

I had looked into the duplicate payment issue when we first integrated. I believe there's actually a way to correct it if I remember correctly, but it needed me to tweak the core cart code for square and I wasn't confident enough to do that. For now it's just an inconvenience that requires a touch more customer service help to correct.


42872 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2022 :  02:04:57  
Perhaps we can nudge Vince to update the square integration.
Nudge! Nudge! Do!

I'm finishing up integrations for and an update for NMI and then I'm all yours.


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Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2022 :  04:56:32  
Folks like Dave and myself are under no illusions as to how valuable Vince is to our day to day operations!

ECT Moderator

10466 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2022 :  07:46:50  
Well said Graham.



42872 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2022 :  03:14:51  
Folks like Dave and myself are under no illusions as to how valuable Vince is to our day to day operations!
Awwww, you guys!! Thanks for that!!

I'm done with the NMI and integrations so do you want to give me more details about what is needed? Via email or here, as you wish.


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Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2022 :  05:56:58  
Yeah, I'm all in. It's on the to-do list to get those things activated and functioning properly. In hindsight, what a mistake for me to NOT be displaying those options.

I'm a couple versions behind (6.9.4), so I dont have the "data3" variable yet in inccart.asp.
I'm set to update to the latest stable version sometime late this year, so I may have to just extract the changes out and incorporate them into my version until then.

- Graham Slaughter

ECT Moderator

10466 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2022 :  09:59:47  
Hi Vince, I would like to be able to use authorize/capture as mentioned above.



42872 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2022 :  14:20:33  
Hi Vince, I would like to be able to use authorize/capture as mentioned above.
I'm going to have to carry on with this tomorrow. But just to check we are on the same problem here I've been testing with both the PHP and ASP versions and if set to authorize only I don't see the transaction in the sandbox. This is in spite of getting back a transaction id etc. Is this the problem you had? Did you ever take it up with Square?


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ECT Moderator

10466 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2022 :  14:26:51  
The transactions do show in square, but we would have to go in and capture them there, instead of the admin.
We would like to be able to handle orders like Paypal direct/Paypal payments pro
Order comes in and we review and if all looks good, we capture and process the order.

If there is a shortage on the order, we can make the edit and capture for the lesser amount instead of having to log into square and issue a partial refund.



42872 Posts

Posted - 06/23/2022 :  05:30:14  
Hi David
Ok, the changes are done for the ASP version and I've added them to the v7.5 updater. I'm still working on the PHP version but that should be coming soon. With the changes you can "CAPTURE" previously authorized orders and change the capture amount within the limits set by Square.


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Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2022 :  10:56:02  
Were you also able to look at updating the missing masterpass buttons etc?


42872 Posts

Posted - 07/02/2022 :  05:11:26  
Hi Graham
Sorry about that but I got so wrapped up in the new admin functionality that I missed the original post. I had a look and it seems that Square don't seem to have any recommended CSS for the masterpass buttons. But when I remove the CSS completely it's even worse. So I'm on to Square support to see what they say.


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Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 07/02/2022 :  06:44:17  
There is at least some sample CSS indicated at these links. Might be a decent place to start, but I'll be honest I didn't read that terribly closely and I might be full of crap :P


42872 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2022 :  06:25:45  
Hi Graham
I've got the button sorted for GPay and the changes are in the updater. I'm still on ApplePay but will hopefully have that sorted soon.


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42872 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2022 :  07:03:15  
Hi Graham
Actually, looking at it I don't think there is a problem with ApplyPay and I think you just have to follow the steps for enabling ApplyPay on your domain. As I would imagine you have to do this anyway, can you give it a go and if you have any problems just let me know. The details are in Step 2. here...


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Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2022 :  14:55:02  
I'll work on it this week! Thanks for poking at that for us. I'll let you know how it works.

Graham Slaughter
Ecommerce Template Expert

828 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2022 :  07:47:35  
I copied in the SQUAREUP specific changes to the inccart.asp as well as the ectcss file.

I think I must still be missing something? Maybe there is more code in another file? I have it done on this domain here:

The javascript applies the:
style="display: none;"

That is generated here:
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