Over the weekend I received 5 orders from "Google StoreBot" each with a MODIFICATION WARNING, they all had different ship-to addresses and email addresses all of which were fakesomething@fakemail.com. Any idea what this is and should I be concerned about it? I assume it is okay to delete these orders, correct?
Thank you, Brian
Brian L. Henkle Rocky Knob Woodcrafts (740) 253-8492 bhenkle@rockyknobwoodcrafts.com www.rockyknobwoodcrafts.com
These are incomplete, non-paid orders, correct? When you run google product ads, they will send their bots in occasionally to check to see if your pricing and shipping options match what you show on your ads, so that's all it is, and yes, you can delete, or ignore them.
I am getting a bunch of the Google Storebot orders also and I have never done any ads or anything either. They just started about 1 week ago. Someone is trying to hack up the ecommercewebsite sites.
Hi Scott Unfortunately someone is always trying their luck but all this is taken into account in the cart and measures taken to protect the database. But you can't stop someone just coming along and adding products to the cart and not paying for them.