Posted - 10/18/2022 : 15:38:37
Is there a way to override the Shopping Cart and Checkout button links in the WP Minicart widget? I have both a WP ( and PHP ( version of the same ECT store with the same database. The idea was to present a seamless connection between two separate ways to shop at the same store. For the most part it works really nicely. The same cart for the same user with the same contents appears in both the PHP and WP versions. The WP version uses the top menu buttons addressing the cart page in WP by its page permalink which works well. However, the Minicart widget in the right sidebar menu addresses the cart page using the store home in the store dashboard. Because they share the same databse, both the PHP and the WP sites use the same store home field in each of their dashboards. The end result is the WP Minicart tries to present the PHP sites' store cart page causing a 404 error.
Best, Karl