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 Paypal Pro being canceled
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steven vaccaro
Ecommerce Template Guru

1060 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2022 :  11:10:30  
On October 31, 2022, we will be deprecating the Fraud Management Filters on PayPal Pro, the payment platform you currently use on your website. I am reaching out to help you upgrade to our most updated checkout experience.

This update will optimize your customer’s experience, give you access to additional payment options to increase checkout conversion, and ensure you do not lose any functionality due to this feature depreciation.

Anyone else get this email and or know what to do?

Ive been calling and emailing Paypal with no luck.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2022 :  13:35:46  
Anyone else get this email and or know what to do?

Move to another provider and save some processing fees.
That's what I did after Paypal lost it's mind and us having processed about fifteen million dollars through them. Now we pay much less for processing and we're very happy.
I personally recommend Square.

NOTE - This is my personal opinion and show not be considered the opinion of eCommerce Templates.


steven vaccaro
Ecommerce Template Guru

1060 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2022 :  14:00:05  
Dave did you keep the paypal express side?

move than 70% of my customers use the express checkout function.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2022 :  20:02:47  
Nope. I never used PayPal express as it allowed the user to bypass the terms and conditions.
I used PayPal payments pro and PayPal payments.
After I switched to Square, I kept the PayPal payments for a while, but they went up in the rate to well over 3%, so I dropped that.
About 30% of our customers used the PayPal payments and in the (nearly a year) since we dropped that, I think three or four customers have asked about PayPal.

What I did was keep the PayPal active for a while in case I needed to switch back. Once I knew it was smooth sailing, I dropped the business part of PayPal so I was no longer being charged the $30.00 per month.

Over the last few years, PayPal took away some of the things that made them special. One being they would refund fees when you have to refund a customer. Guess what? Square refunds the fees. They also didn't charge me a fee when I had a chargeback recently.
I believe PayPal got a new CEO a few years back and began to change things. I was their biggest fan for a long time.
I had their debit card with 1.5% cash back. They only do 1% now, but I was grandfathered in for the life of my account.
Well, they dropped my secondary card to 1% without telling me. I had to fight with them for 6-months and finally got a refund of over $1,000.00 they cheated me out of.

I now have a capital one spark card with 2% cash back and I cash out about $5,000 every six weeks in cash back rewards. Tax free money according to the IRS.
So in the end, PayPal driving me away has put more money back in my pocket. So I guess I can thank them for that.


PS - Take a moment and check rates. You might be surprised. If you want, send me a message and I'll put you in touch with my square contact.


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2022 :  04:55:56  
Nope. I never used PayPal express as it allowed the user to bypass the terms and conditions.
Just a quick note to mention that for quite a while now when using PayPal Express you get the terms and conditions on the Shipping Selection page.


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steven vaccaro
Ecommerce Template Guru

1060 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2022 :  08:13:02  
Dave since the refunds thing with Paypal Ive also been thinking about moving on.

Vince can I have Square process the cc payments and still use the Paypal express function with Ecomm?

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2022 :  09:53:37  
Just a quick note to mention that for quite a while now when using PayPal Express you get the terms and conditions on the Shipping Selection page. [Smile]

Yes, I should have mentioned that was something that is no longer an issue.

Oh, and Steven, yes you can use Paypal express in conjunction with any other payment processor.

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