Posted - 04/12/2023 : 10:35:23
These also needed changing to make the Rel button (in the admin product) change colour to show products had been related. Line 3331 - ttr.cells[4].innerHTML='<input type="button" id="relx'+pa[pidind][1] Line - 3356 - print "\r\n" . 'function setcl(tid){document.getElementById(\'relx\'+tid).style.color=\'#F4E64B\';}' . "\r\n"; However I do get your point about not considering the ( in the search.
As most people can probably see. I am not a code writer. I just have to use the process of elimination. I try my best. It could be why I find it harder to run an updater than others do. However I have always manged in the past to sort issues out one way or another. It just gets to time consuming now.
Vince is very good and I am sure he already fully understands peoples concerns, the websites age and it's compatibilities with newer technology. Todays world - (not just websites) is getting more complicated and we have no choice but to just keep on going.
I do see that he also provides a service to do the updaters and sort the issues out for us (for a small fee of course)
Anyhow, I have said enough now. I am going have my tea.
Keep up the good work.