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 Product order by category
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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1022 Posts

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Posted - 12/08/2022 :  08:46:09  

I appreciate this is probably rather complex but it would by really useful to be able to order products differently for each category.

For example, we currently have a 'Christmas Gifts' category and it would be great to be able to select a different order to the master category those individual products are in.



Ecommerce Template Guru

1018 Posts

Posted - 12/08/2022 :  18:22:39  
Hi Steve,
I appreciate this is probably rather complex but it would by really useful to be able to order products differently for each category
I chose to do that on my business website. This is how ...

Main Settings => Store Settings => Default Page Sort Order: ^ Page Number (Ascending 1 to xxxx) and Submit.

In Category: Select your first category from the Drop-Down Menu.
Select: Sort - pOrder ASC => List Products
In left-hand Drop Down Menu, Select: Product Order

In the Product Order boxes down the left-hand side, now you enter Numbers in the order desired. Use this Numbering System:
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc.

That way you leave Numbers in between to slot New Product pages anywhere in the display order as they are added in future.

(3) Down bottom, click the Update button.

(4) Next step ...
In Category: Select your second category from the Drop-Down Menu.
Repeat the above procedure, but this time use this Numbering System:
105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, etc.

(5) Select your third category from the Drop-Down Menu and use this Numbering System:
205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, etc.

Carry on through all menu categories numbering all your product pages in this fashion.
Yes this is "rather complex" as you say. But it does work. Once setup it is not so difficult to maintain.


Edited by - ITZAP on 12/08/2022 21:15:11

Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1022 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 12/10/2022 :  08:03:35  
Thanks for your reply Gary and I already use a similar system.

However, my suggestion is to have the ability to arrange product order individually for every category.
This is because many products appear across multiple categories.

As an example:

Wool socks (product order 1)
Christmas socks (product order 100 because it's seasonal but still needs to be in the socks category)

Christmas Gifts
Christmas socks (product order 1 because we want it top of this category)
Wool socks (product order 100)

Do you see what I mean?
This is a simple example but if you start to add further products from other categories to the 'Christmas Gifts' category you will currently be restricted by the product order set for those categories.
And if you set the product orders for your 'Christmas Gifts' category it affects the parent category for each product.


Edited by - Steved on 12/10/2022 08:05:32
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