Posted - 12/14/2022 : 11:41:05
We've been using $showtaxinclusive=3; since Brexit mucked-up our export shipping (Grrr) but are now reintroducing export shipping again. We are having problems that the tax element is not being removed for non-UK orders, at least not consistently.
The tax that we've included in our prices in the database does appear to be removed in the Shipping Estimator display (obviously once the country has been selected), but the subsequent checkout display shows the tax-inclusive price again, when it should have the home-country's tax rate deducted to achieve the correct nett price for export (in our case non-UK) sales.
Using $showtaxinclusive=3; meant that we could get accurate pricing such as £49.95, rather than having to use nett prices in the database and then have rounding issues causing e.g. £49.96 etc when UK 20% VAT was added on.
I rather suspect that we will have to scale all our database prices back by dividing by 1.2, which is easy to do with a query, and then to go back to $showtaxinclusive=1; and just accept that there will be some penny discrepancies here and there.
...But the fact that the Shipping Estimator seems to work it out correctly is a bit of a tease that perhaps there is an easier way without adjusting all our prices?
Pragmasis Limited