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 Where to start with new template?
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Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2023 :  14:06:30  
I've just loaded and connected the Premium Responsive Design Monochrome template to my current database. I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do next. Looking at all of the resources has got me overwhelmed as far as editing the site goes. After not really doing much editing in recent years, I'm confused by the relationship between the CSS files and the includes files. For instance, on the template I have different layout options on the menu across the top. I understand why they are there but, after choosing which ones I want, how do I implement them? are there multiple ways to do it? If so, what's the best or easiest way? I used to know this stuff a bit more but I've become so rusty it seems like I've never done it before. I guess it feels like there are so many paths to take here, how do I choose? What's a good starting point?


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2023 :  01:44:03  
Hi DavidX
The different layout options are just examples of the layouts you could have. Really in your website you would want to delete the products2.asp, products3.asp and proddetail2.asp and proddetail3.asp files. Then you can set the following parameters in your includes.asp file to change the layout...

ectproductstyle=1 ' Can be 2 or 3
ectdetailstyle=1 ' Can be 2 or 3

That would be the first step to decide what product and detail page layouts you want trying the different layout styles.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2023 :  11:56:10  
Ok, that seems to have made something click in my head! Thanks, Vince!
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