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 Discounted prices on invoices?
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Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2023 :  15:00:04  
Is there a way to see what a particular item actually sold for? Recently, we had a sale on 1000s of different items. That sale is over but, if someone wants to return something, I don't currently have an easy way to see how much that item sold for after the fact especially if the customer bought a whole bunch of items with a bunch of different discounts. Is there a way to do this?


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2023 :  23:21:18  
Hi DavidX
If you mean is there a way to see how much of the discount on an order applied to that particular item then I guess the way to go would be to make the discount text specific to an item. For instance "10% off wooden spoons" or something like that maybe?


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Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2023 :  11:59:21  
Not really in our case. A typical order may have 20 items. Maybe 15 of those would have a discount of some sort. We have a few different regular discounts so, on the order in the area where it shows discounts applied it might say "20% Off, 30% Off but I don't have any way of knowing which items have which discounts applied without looking each item up so, if inventory is missing or something is returned, I need to look each one of those things up to see if there was a discount and, if there was, which one. It can be a bit more difficult if something was discounted but, by the time it's returned, the discount no longer applies so there's no real way to tell which discount was or was not applied.
I've tried to use the Edit Invoice feature to sort of be able to figure this out but I noticed that, if I delete an item and recalculate, the Discount displayed stays the same so, I would still need to dig into figuring out if that deleted item had a discount and which one then manually change the discount amount then recalculate.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2023 :  13:48:21  
Hi David, is it possible you could be using quantity discounts on these products instead of using the discount feature?
That might help.
But really what we do is just, when there is a return, we check the website and add the quantity to the cart they are returning and that would show us the correct price for that item, with discounts.

Would that work for you?


Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2023 :  11:02:21  
We're using the discount feature mostly assigned to categories but sometimes assigned to individual products. The way we've got it set up right now is that our main category is a month which is a sub-category of the category "New Arrivals" so, for instance, if I add a product in March, the main category will be 'March 2023". There is no discount on March 2023 yet but, after 5 months, it will have 10% Off assigned to it. After 6 months, 20% Off, and, in some cases down to 30% Off after 7 months. We sell comic books which are unique items as far as our inventory goes so, if one sells at 20% Off, when it's replaced it will be with a different copy of the same comic and may be priced differently but it will go back to having no discount until it's been in the system for 5 months.
It's not difficult to figure out what the discount was on a particular book that was missing or returned doing it this way but, if we have additional discounts for a week during a sale or start targeting individual comics with discounts it gets unwieldy.
Related to this, it would be nice to be able to show customers what they are actually paying for an item in addition to or rather than a total discount.
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