If the admin is set to a max items of 80 and a customer has 90 items on his WISHLIST, but only purchases 2 items from that list, he will be blocked. This is a glitch. The only people that should be blocked are people with 80 items in their cart. NOT their wishlist. This happens often.
Hi Steven I see what you are saying but at the same time if you limit the cart to only 80 items and they move all those from the wish list to the cart it will block them anyway. But I've made the changes and I'll release them in the next day or so with some other improvements for wish lists.
Thanks, All of the blocked people have only added a few items from their wish list to the cart. No one has tried to order all the items. We sell a lot of small items, so I'm finding most people have a bunch of those in their wish lists. I think they are using it as a placeholder to locate items in the future.