I'm setting up a ship by weight table and don't I need to disable the United States zone so the individual state zones I setup work? How do I disable the United States Zone?
Then I'd like to switch the Shipping Estimator menu to use states instead of countries ... HOW?
The Shipping estimator is now offering a StATES MENU FOR THE 3 ZONE/STATES i setup, but the weight based shipping rates are still coming from the United States zone, thereby over-riding the state zones.
Can anyone offer a clue on how to disable the United States ship by weight rates?
Hi Tim In the Postal Zones admin page I assume you don't see this do you as then you wouldn't be able to set up the States Zones Rules no? Your admin settings are set to treat your States as one shipping zone. To split your States into separate shipping zones please click here. Normally just by clicking the link to split the states into shipping zones is all that is needed. It's not possible is it that the rate you are getting is actually from the state and not the country?
"To split your States into separate shipping zones please click here" did the trick ... kind of.
I had created states under world zones so I deleted those and re-created them under state zone rules, and I deleted the "All States Zone" and everything worked as expected.