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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1283 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2025 :  14:02:49  
This is driving me insane and I don't know what's causing it.

I have updated the stock levels on multiple items, I've checked that they've updated and they have.

The a few hours later the stock levels go back to what they were before! I can't get my head around why that's happening but I'm losing sales because some items keep going back to zero stock even though I've added new stock in.
I've taken screenshots tonight of times that I adjusted stock, checked several times to make sure it was all correct and I've just checked again a few hours later and it's as if I haven't changed anything.... I'm pulling my hair out.

Please help!

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2025 :  15:18:00  
Have you checked to see if anyone has loaded that item into a cart, and proceeded up to last step of checkout and abandoned the cart?
That will cause the stock to allocate to that order until it is deleted, or the customer places the order.


Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1283 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2025 :  23:09:17  
Yes I've checked that.

It also works in reverse. If I set an item to a lower stock level. (say I have 10 in stock and I set it to 5), a few hours later and it's back at 10 again!

Some items are just showing the random stock number of 9978.
I updated loads of products only to find that 2 hours later they'd all gone back to saying 9978.
It's like the database is reverting to old data, but only for stock. All other changes are saved fine.

Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1283 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2025 :  01:55:42  
I've checked again this morning and my changes seem to still be in place BUT I haven't had any new orders come in since then so I'm wondering if this is something that happens when an order is placed?

I did try to test that theory yesterday but I placed an order using an gift certificate so as not to have to charge my card, and everything was fine. So I am not sure if that's actually what is happening.

Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1283 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2025 :  06:02:48  
Just had an order in, and the stock has gone back to what it was before I changed it all, so it's definitely something happening when an order comes in.

I have downloaded the updater again and reapplied it even though my store said it was running on the latest release. I will see if that makes any difference.


42878 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2025 :  23:22:58  
Hi Gemma
Have you got any custom code in your thanks page by any chance? If the problem doesn't go away after the update then please send your FTP login details to my email and I'll have a look around.


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