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42872 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2007 :  09:37:19  
The v5.4.0 updater is now available for ASP.
The following changes have been made...

Please note that you can upgrade from any previous version to the latest version in just one go! You don't have to install all updaters between your version and the current version.

This is a new Major Release which has the following features.
The admin orders page and statistics pages have both been completely reworked to allow easier and more powerful order management. You can now even search for and view order trends graphically on the admin statistics pages. There is a movie here to illustrate these features.

Option to show all prices with tax included in addition to the currently available method of showing tax exclusive prices followed by tax inclusive prices. The available methods are now...
showtaxinclusive=TRUE ' Show tax exclusive price followed by tax inclusive price
showtaxinclusive=2 ' Show only tax inclusive prices

PayPal backend authorization / capture functionality.

Ability to have multiple admin logins restricted to certain sections of the administration.

All anchor tags given their own class "ectlink".

Mailing list management and ability to send emails to (small to medium sized) mailing list. Mailshots can also be set to automatically include an automatic "delete from mailinglist" link. There is a help page here to illustrate the new features...

Persons signing up to mailing lists can by default receive an email to confirm their signup. If you do NOT want those signing up to mailing lists to receive a confirmation email then set the following...

Clickable product image / link in the cart.
To set this feature add the following to the vsadmin/includes.asp file...
useimageincart=TRUE ' To show the product image
linkcartproducts=TRUE ' To link the image / product name to the product
This cart image has the class "cartimage" so you can use that to set the width of the image and other features. For example...
IMG.cartimage {
width: 100px;
border-thickness: 1px;
border-color: #000;
border-style: solid;

Print multiple invoices / packing slips at one time on the admin orders page. Also the invoices and packing slip layouts have been completely revised to give a more professional look. There is a help page here to illustrate the new features...

Editing orders in the admin orders page can now adjust stock levels.

New orders can now be created in the admin orders page.

The admin countries page has been completely reworked to make it easier to change country details. There is a movie here to illustrate this...

pManufacturer, pDateAdded and pSKU columns added to products table. Switches associated with these new columns are...
...which will show the SKU column on the products pages under the title you give, in this case "ISBN".
...which will add a further drop down to the search page with the title as set above. You can also pass the parameter to the search page to search this manufacturer column such as "sman=xx" where xx is the id of the manufacturer to be searched.

More fields have been added to the product inventory.


Files changed since previous version
This is a major update so all files have changed.

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