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 ASP (Windows server) versions
 Ship Station (setup and features)
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Advanced Member

165 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2024 :  06:26:36  

I searched the forums and website and ajaxservice.asp and foudn some info, but was unable to find comprehensive info on:

1. How to fully setup and integrate Ship Station
Do we just register on their website and point it at the above ajax page?

2. What features does it offer?
It looks like it can create a list to upload for them. We currently use the CSV dump then use EasyPost to print labels based on flat rates.
Does it do this? If so, how does the workflow look like?

Also, will enabling this interfere with current cart flow or shipping settings or just export the XML file that Ship Station needs to print labels?

Please advise.


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7687 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2024 :  02:36:41  

Advanced Member

165 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2024 :  05:53:51  

Thanks, but that is one of the posts we already reviewed and does not answer the below questions.

ECT Moderator

10430 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2024 :  07:44:29  
Using ship station is insanely easy.
Once you connect your store, you will click a little icon in ship station and orders are imported.
When you ship, your admin is updated. No transfering of CSV files needed - It's all automated.
You can choose to use ship station to send a robust email to the customer, or you can have your store do it.

There are some great rules in sip station you can setup, to handle things your way when orders are imported.
Ship station has lot's of help and tutorials to show you how it works.

Post up if you have a specific question.


Advanced Member

165 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2024 :  08:59:12  
Ok thanks.

Does enabling Shipstation connect to our database or interact with our current shipping options, or does it only import orders from admin?

ECT Moderator

10430 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2024 :  11:38:51  
It does not change any shipping options on your store.
Order details are sent to ship station and ship station will update the status of your orders when you ship.
You can decide if you want ship station to send an email (better in my opinion) or you want to send an email from your store.


Advanced Member

165 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2024 :  05:04:31  
Ok thanks.

I think we will give it a try.

I will let you know if we need anything else.

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