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 Server Specs - Difficulty Updating and Configuring
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Posted - 10/02/2017 :  05:46:29  
I am a long time user of this shopping cart been using it for over 14 years since 2003. About 5 years ago I put my website on a dedicated server. Its definitely had its pros and cons. I have been running an older php for a while and its long over due to get more current with the specs of the server as well as the php I'm running which is past its end of life. I am moving servers again to an SSD with 2GB of ram with Liquid Web. However we have had many troubles getting everything working. We have had several failed attempts at doing so.

Old Server Specs - CentOS 5.11 64 Bit with Cpanel. Intel Core i5-760 4 Cores. 2 GB Ram SATA Drive 2800MHz. Running PHP 5.5.34 and Apache 2.4.18

New Server Specs - CentOS 7 64 Bit with Cpanel. 2GB SSD 2 Cores. Running PHP 7.0 and Apache 2.4.27

Current Shopping Cart Version is 6.4.5. I have had several mods done which is what has delayed so many opportunities to update things as the years have passed.

Looking to Move to ECT Version 6.8.1. I am going to drop all mods.

First Attempt was to simply move over the live site with no changes.

Second Attempt was to update the shopping cart.

Third Attempt was to use a completely new build of the cart.

Two part Question

1. Is there anything above that poses a problem? Is the cart compatible with PHP7 or is there a more recommended version of PHP?

2. It seems as though ssl is required with the new shopping cart in a lot of spots. This has made it difficult to work on using a non-live site. Is there any settings that we can temporarily disable so we can use the admin and cart in test mode while we are configuring everything?

I really need some help, thanks in advance.

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Posted - 10/02/2017 :  05:53:18  
Also I bought 12 months of Updaters. Its showing as pre sales questions only but that is incorrect.

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/02/2017 :  06:28:18  
Hi Eric,
Looking at the new server specifications there's no reason why version 6.8.1 would give you any issues.

What I would do is:

1.Take a copy of the live database and move it to the new server
2. Copy over the site files and then fully apply the 6.8.1 updater.
3. Make sure the includes.php and the db_conn_open.php file and any other pages have start tags '<?php' and end tags '?>' and the database connection is mysqli - see here -

If you're still having problems let us know.

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Edited by - Phil on 10/02/2017 06:30:58

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Posted - 10/02/2017 :  06:44:49  

Thanks for the fast response. I will have to check with my coder (my brother) to see if he tried those exact steps.

Any insight on the SSL requirement?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/02/2017 :  07:02:05  
Hi Eric

The cart itself doesn't require ssl at any point - it's the payment providers and prompts from the browser on any login pages. If testing off line only use Email for testing and turn off the ssl url in the main admin settings page (or in includes.php in older versions).


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/02/2017 :  07:05:21  
You can remove the path to ssl in the admin for testing easily enough.

I don't think you'll have to test your payment provider unless you're using a custom set up.

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Posted - 10/05/2017 :  09:07:13  
My Server Admin is having difficulty getting the mysqli plugin working. Hes saying now its mysqlnd. If I use that will it work with the current 6.8.1 build and php 7?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2017 :  09:30:33  
mysqli will be fine with ECT6.8.1 and PHP 7


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 10/05/2017 :  11:52:12  
We are seeing an ssl issue. if we go to our vsadmin it will auto redirect us to an https version. If we try to login it will say login correct and bounce us right back to the login page again.

If we remove the s from https then try to login we are able to get logged in.

What could be causing this issue with vsadmin?


ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2017 :  12:05:35  
Hi Eric, there are two parts to this one being directed to https could be a directive in the .htaccess file, but honestly it would be best to use https to login the admin, the next issue is that the session variables on the web server are not functioning correctly when on https: please contact your host and let them know. I would also provide them with a link to the login screen and login details so they can see exactly what is occuring (you can change the password once fixed).

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