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 Review - DLSS 'Repeat Customer Indicator' Mod
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Advanced Member

486 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2017 :  07:38:09  
Hi, it seems as though a very small number of orders consumes most of our customer service reps' time.

This includes customers buying the wrong spare parts, accidental repeat orders, the occasional habitual returner and fraudster.

This week we installed the very reasonably priced 'Repeat Customer Indicator' mod from DLSS at The product installs easily, by uploading two files.

The mod provides a much nicer benefit than expected, showing a green link with the repeat order count (based on email address) in the Order Admin page. You can click the green link to filter the page and show all of the repeat orders. A screen shot is below.

This helps us to quickly check for incompatible spare parts, accidental duplicates, abusive orders, and other issues.

One interesting - and unexpected - benefit is that the mod counts all previous orders, including any purchase attempts that were declined by the payment card issuer, deleted from the Cart, but not yet purged on the Order Admin page. So, today when the mod showed 7 previous orders from a customer, but only 2 appeared when we clicked the green link, we discovered 5 declined purchase attempts that we'd deleted but had not yet purged. This helped us to spot a potential problem.

The product is available for both ASP and PHP cart versions. We really enjoy using it.

Edited by - pauld on 10/03/2017 12:31:31

Advanced Member

486 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2017 :  05:06:54  
After a couple more weeks using this mod, I think it's definitely helped us to improve our order workflows.

Our store has a high customer service component, and the ability to quickly see a customer's past orders has already helped us to avoid some costly issues.

We're also making an effort to put a discreet note (such as "PROBLEM ORDER - SEE EMAILS") in the Private Order Status box when there seems to be an unusual mechanical issue, a combative customer, a habitual returner, etc.

Now our fulfillment team clicks the green link, provided by this mod, to spot potential problems before they consume a lot of money and time.

ECT Moderator

10426 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2017 :  07:28:24  
We use it too. It's a terrific tool.
Although this post is really in the wrong forum I think.
It should be in here

ECT Power User
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