Posted - 12/07/2017 : 03:22:27
I see people are beginning to post tweaks they have made to the css for the admin and thanks page so I thought it would be a good idea to bring them together here in one thread. To tweak the css for the admin pages, make sure you are running a minimum of 6.8.3 and have uploaded a blank css file to the vsadmin (or renamed vsadmin) folder called ectadmincustom.css Courtesy of dbdave, if you want to reduce the spacing on the admin orders / invoice screen, add the following to ectadmincustom.css div.container { padding: 0px 2px; } div.address, div.shipaddress, div.adddetails, div.orderstatus, div.shipping, div.authcapture { padding: 1px 2px; } If you want to increase the size of the text in the admin product description fields add this to ectadmincustom.css #pDescription, #pLongDescription{font-size:14px;} The classes for the thanks page are set in ectcart.css but as that file will change between updates, it shouldn't be edited. Instead any changes should be made to your main css file. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software