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Posted - 10/06/2017 :  18:37:11  
I tried to install shipstation and it does not pull orders. It seems to be setup correctly in ship station and the add on but no luck. Shipstations says its the Add on. I've emailed ecomweb but not gotten a response.

I installed the shipstation add on for ecommerce templates as instructed but it does not want to import a sale from today. I don't see anything in the error log

This is the top of the file

include '../vsadmin/db_conn_open.php';
include '../vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php';
include '../shipstation/ssXML.php'; <--- to force an error, its been removed

When I go to ssXML.php and view source I see
on the page any nothing else

folders are set as follows


Can someone point me in the right direction to look at

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2017 :  23:24:49  

It's not a Mod I'm familiar with, hopefully somebody else using it here could throw some light on it for you.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2017 :  23:34:03  
You should see some error in ship station when you try to import orders.
Are you seeing anything?
there is a place to test your connection there in ship station. Does it connect?

You must have the exact names of the status types that you import from setup there in ship station or orders will not import.

ECT Power User

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Posted - 10/07/2017 :  08:05:07  
no errors at all. shipstation says all good, the error log in the shipstation dir only shows error where I forced an error to make sure the error log was capturing.

I think its the order status's in ship station not being correct but I can't seem to figure out what goes in each status.

this is what I have in there

Awaiting Payment Statuses

Awaiting Shipment Statuses
New Order,Authorized,Order Received,Pay With Credit Card,Packing

Shipped Statuses

Cancelled Statuses

On-Hold Statuses

Dean sent me a url to try and it returned the data I was looking for in xml but it still does not import. I think the add-on is working but just doesn't know where to put it in shipstaion.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2017 :  08:13:02  
Over in the upper right in ship station, when you click to import orders, if it does not import, then you should be getting some kind of error message there.

ECT Power User

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Posted - 10/07/2017 :  09:50:20  
it goes through the motions and does not error or import
the ebay one works fine if that matters

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2017 :  10:15:33  
Do you have any orders sitting in the status you have assigned to import orders?

What status did you establish in Dean's script?
In the .asp version I have, you need to set, preshipstatus and postshipstatus and use the number of the status at which you import orders and the status the order moves to when shipstation lets your store know and order has shipped.

Also, I would not duplicate any of your status here

this is what I have in there

Awaiting Payment Statuses

Awaiting Shipment Statuses
New Order,Authorized,Order Received,Pay With Credit Card,Packing

Shipped Statuses

Cancelled Statuses

On-Hold Statuses

Make extra sure all of those are exactly as you have them in your admin under "public text" because some time back I changed the public text of one of my status and ship station quit importing, even though that was not the status we setup to import from.

ECT Power User

Edited by - dbdave on 10/07/2017 10:26:47

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Posted - 10/07/2017 :  10:48:02  
I have no idea what I just did to get it to work but I created a test sale and it did import. it will not go back to yesterday for the one I was trying to import

Thank you for the directions.
I think it was the public text names that were the issue. the status numbers were correct

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2017 :  14:19:36  
It does check the date of last import, so those old orders, you may need to move them to some other status, then back to the status that they should import from, and I am betting they would then import.

You have a ton of flexibility with ship station to setup some really nice emails for your customer, including an email that is automatically send when the shipment is delivered.
You can also create tracking links to either the shipping carriers, or the tracking page on your site, or both.

I am not a fan of cloud based software, but I make an exception for ship station, it's really a great program.
We have employees able to generate shipping labels that would not be able to do it without error on other methods. It's just about fool proof.
We also have our scale and thermal label printer connected to it.

ECT Power User
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