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 Product reviews stacking on top of each other
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Posted - 10/13/2017 :  07:38:58  
Hello, I'm in the middle of development and I was testing the "reviews" I noticed that the review stars (Shopping Carts) were stacked on top of each other, so I fixed it on the proddetail.php page by going into the incproddetail.php page and adding display:inline-block; to the code.

However, when I go to the products page and view the products (Third row down middle product) the image is stacked on there and I can't figure what file to update to make them layout correctly (inline-block).

You will need the login credentials to access (This is not a security thing - I just have the directory password protected as I develop)

username = scotlabs
password = 987123

Please point me in the right direction to correct the layout of the review stars.

S Jones

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/13/2017 :  07:51:28  
so I fixed it on the proddetail.php page by going into the incproddetail.php page and adding display:inline-block; to the code.

Can you upload the original incproddetail.php file and we'll go from there?

There's no need to edit the core files.

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Posted - 10/13/2017 :  08:16:57  
Okay, I uploaded everything back to the original incproddetails.php. Now if you view the one product that has reviews on it, you will see the stars stacked on top of each other.

Please advise!

S Jones

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Posted - 10/13/2017 :  08:34:03  
I can fix it with custom css. I did some testing and it will work. I just don't want you to waste your time, if I already have it figured out.

S Jones

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/13/2017 :  08:47:01  

In style.css you have

img {
display: block;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;

I would remove the display:block and then check the page


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Posted - 10/13/2017 :  08:53:23  
Hello Andy, I did not want to mess with the style.css because that would change everything globally.

Here is what I did instead. This seems to do the trick. Let me know if that is a bad idea or if that is an acceptable solution.

.detailreviewstars img {
.prodrating img {
.rating img {

S Jones

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/13/2017 :  08:56:34  
The problem with that is that all images on the site will then have display:block - look at the little cart icon the minicart for example. Up to you but I've never been a fan of these kind of global resets.


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Posted - 10/13/2017 :  09:02:34  
I see what your saying regarding the mini-cart. I'm going to try to remove the block layout, if I get undesirable results, I may reach out to you for some advice. Thank you for the fast response!

S Jones
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