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John Nolan
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Posted - 10/20/2017 :  05:39:55  
Think I'll stick to Square.

Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 10/20/2017 :  09:28:20  
Dave tell me if your credit card software does not give you a break down on the taxes collected then how in the world do you enter the information in your accounting software? I do not want them to do my accounting I just want the information. So other than a report or a down load file how do you do it? Remember we are mobile no store no register our software becomes that.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2017 :  11:01:09  
Every transaction (invoice) is entered into our accounting software.

There are programs such as t-hub that will automate copying orders from your ECT store to quickbooks.

If you are using the shopping cart, all of your orders are there, no?
Tax info would be there.

When a customer pays out our website with paypal, and they head off there and make the payment, there is no sales tax info transmitted, just a total.

We have another company that uses the shopping cart (and we have retail sales in store) and we want all revenue showing in ect, so at the end of the day we take our retail sales and create an order in the admin and there we show the total sales for the day and the sales tax. Maybe something like that could work for you.

ECT Power User

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Posted - 10/20/2017 :  11:24:14  
Everything you said is true however we are a mobile store and do sales via our phone with square so no register just the tracking from square and it works great. What I am trying to do is stream line our process to one processor that fits both the mobile locations and store application. That is why I need the report for the taxes paypal does not offer that nor does stripe. Unless I am missing something how do you get your sales tax totals for online sales if a report or file to export is not created and if you can get an export file showing taxes collected tell me how because I did every report and down load from Paypal and none show taxes collected and all sales in calif have to pay sales tax

Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 10/20/2017 :  11:29:38  
Dave never mind I was over thinking this the tax report I need is in my cart software not paypal. Problem solved
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