Hi Saleem, your using Responsive Design Lifestyes Ecomm Plus but not using responsive layout I see tables still being used. Look in vsadmin/includes.php for the following line.
Step 1. $usecsslayout=TRUE; if it is present in the file and not duplicated go to next step2, if duplicated in the includes.php remove the duplication, if not present in the includes.php add it and move to step 2.
Step 2 - the product and proddetail page elements have to be defined in the vsadmin/includes.php in the order that you want to display them. https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/css-layouts.asp
Product layout Example:
$productpagelayout='productimage, addtocart, productid, sku, productname, manufacturer, discounts, reviewstars, instock, custom1, description, options,dateadded, listprice, price, currency, quantity, custom2';
Detail page layout example:
$detailpagelayout='navigation, checkoutbutton, productimage, productid, manufacturer, sku, productname, discounts, instock, description, listprice, price,quantity, currency, dateadded, options, addtocart, previousnext, emailfriend, reviews';
Step3 - CSS
The classes may or may not be in your style sheet they are listed here and there is a link to sample style sheets https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/css-layouts.asp
Now if css is not your thing Ecommerce Templates makes it easy with CSS Premium Layouts - https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/CSS-Premium-Layouts
Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive DesignsUser Manual for Ecommerce Templates