example part #00000-00001 https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=mPb6WcO8KoabmQG_gaCQDw&q=+00000-00001&oq=+00000-00001&gs_l=psy-ab.3..35i39k1.1089.1089.0.1708.
What happened in last 6 months??
any plugins I need? what am I doing wrong they used to be on there!!
I received your email but it was the same you posted here.
I think it would be quite hard to rank well for a binary number like that unless there were some extra keywords with it, especially as it's on a page with other part numbers.
What I would do is allow for detail pages which will give you more chance by adding this to includes.php
my products were showing up about 6 months ago, but now they aren't did something change? is something wrong in seo side of things on my cart?? How do I get dynamic urls? is that the issue?
Listing on search engines will fluctuate. I think having detail pages will help but I wouldn't go changing the URL structure as any current URLs will be lost in the index.